Evelyn Scott Collection

Evelyn Scott Collection


Special Collections at University of Tennessee Libraries received a large collection of manuscripts pertaining to modernist American writer Evelyn Scott. Author of Escapade (1923), The Wave (1929), and other works of fiction, poetry, and criticism, Scott wrote about her Tennessee roots in her autobiography Background in Tennessee (1939). Professor Robert Welker of Huntsville, Alabama, generously donated the papers.

In honor of this gift, Special Collections presents the exhibit about Evelyn Scott (1893-1963) which highlights items in the collection.

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Articles and related information about Evelyn Scott written by faculty, graduate students and visiting scholars of The University of Tennessee, Knoxville.

The Odyssey of Elsie Dunn” by James B. Lloyd, Special Collections Librarian.
Peggy Bach: Evelyn Scott’s Biographer” by David Madden, United States Civil War Center, Louisiana State University.
Tennessee’s Prodigal Daughter: Evelyn Scott” by Caroline Maun, The University of Tennessee.
Evelyn Scott Highlights” by Caroline Maun, The University of Tennessee.
Evelyn Scott: Selected Bibliography” by Caroline Maun, The University of Tennessee.
