Pendergrass Course Reserves Request

Pendergrass Course Reserves Request

What are course reserves?

Instructors request course reserves so that students can access textbooks and other course materials. Course reserves can be physical items or digital.

Note: we recommend instructors consider online resources for their course reserves. This allows you to post links to your Canvas site.

How do I place an item on course reserve?

Lindola is our course reserve system. In Lindola, you can create or update your course reserves. Get started below:

Lindola Course Reserve Management System
Lindola is our course reserve system.

Contact us!

When should I place an item on course reserve?

We recommend that you submit your request at least 2-4 weeks prior to the start of the semester.

I want to use electronic content. Where do I start?

  • Chapters: Request scans of selected chapters through Digital Media Services. Also, you can request single chapters or articles through the Libraries’ catalog. Learn more about requesting scans from the Libraries on our Scan on Demand page.
  • E-Books: We recommend that you place an e-book purchase through our suggest-a-purchase form.
  • Videos: the UT Libraries has a wide selection of streaming media. Learn more on our Streaming guide.

Place your own videos on Reserve:

Make personal copies of films available for your students.

  1. First, login into your Lindola account
  2. Next, fill out the form
  3. Finally, bring your VHS or DVD videos to the Public Services Desk at Pendergrass Library.

Additional information:

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