Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes

2024-2025 Academic Year

For previous academic year meeting minutes, please visit our archive.

Belonging & Engagement Committee Meeting 10/24

Meeting Information

Meeting Date: October 24, 2024                                1 PM – 2:30 PM

Location: Hodges Library 6th Floor, Room 631 or Zoom


Meeting Agenda

  1. Announcements
  • Dean Steve is joining us for a Listening session

Why are we having a Listening Session? This is still a good practice for the dean to check in and stay updated. SV in place through 2030. Track/Measure/Observe. Make recommendations based on the SV. He wants to stay informed. We are the only committee he meets with due to our role in the library.

  • Thura: We are filling out a national Diversity Award – Library Excellence in Access and Diversity (LEAD) Award. We will submit in a timely way. This will be the 1st time we have submitted for this award.
  • Monthly mingle: Food pantry visit? We will work with Admin for a tour of the food pantry and clothing closet.
  • We did get the DAE Grant 2 thousand $$. Thanks to Nathalie, Samantha, Angelica, and Tyler for getting us success with that award. Thanks also to Dean Steve for contributing to the Cost of Poverty funding. We are still working to get all the funding in place.
  • These are a few options and locations to think about when we volunteer as a group: Basic Needs, Love Kitchen, 2nd In our November meeting we will decide where we will volunteer, and Michelle suggested getting a date set.



  1. Listening (Dean Steve)
  • Questions for the BE Committee
    1. What are you most proud of in your work and/or the work of your department/committee?
      1. Michelle-This is a committee where all have voluntarily taken this role on. We each believe in this work.
      2. Megan-We make differences in the lives of people, gender neutral restrooms, lactation room.
      3. Kris- We are the heart of the library. We have been steady with this work over all these years. We have been a constant supporter of inclusion.
      4. Joe- How good we are at being able to build and strengthen relationships externally and internally is strong. The work we are doing strengthen (Privilege Layer Cake/Lunch and Learn. Our retreat strengthened our own committee strength through its programming.
      5. Nathalie-We watch out for our students. We adjust schedules to attend where we are needed. We are an extended campus family. We are more than a committee; we are a unit. We stretch ourselves and go beyond our roles.
      6. Kelly-The evolution of the committee and when she (UT Press) first became a part of the library. Thura always brings us positive energy to do good work.
      7. Kris-No matter what our roles are we still participate.
      8. Thura- Valuable and impactful. The way we sustain ourselves despite barriers such as legislation and name changes. She sees us as a tribe, doing everything together makes it better. We have true partnerships. She is looking forward to working with food insecurity objectives over the next year.
      9. Michelle- The name change was brought about in a positive way not a hurtful way.
      10. Kris- Respect
      11. Lee Ann – Kindness
      12. Nathalie-This committee had Strategic Vision long before the campus wide SV was developed. It is a professional development experience to sit in our committee and see where all the pieces of our community comes from. A whole additional facet to outreach. This work makes us all better.
      13. Thura says we are all a team and we participate in the International Festival, Lunch and Learn, etc.



  1. Do you feel your work, and/or the work of your unit, makes a difference in supporting the Strategic Vision?


  1. Joe- Nimble and adaptable; creating awareness with faculty, staff, students, community. Let the larger library know when issues do come up. This is a quickly changing time with new issues coming up in the world. Ways to better serve the community. Larger theme with food insecurity. Adapting and changing has no end.
  2. Peter- This committee has taught him to look at these more specific attainable goals.
  3. Nathalie- We have invited scholars, Kawanna, etc. We ensure Vol is a Verb. Thura brings positive energy to this group and supports our efforts.
  4. Thura- Year long plan- Actional goals/educational piece/Internal to our organization. Our whole organization will be moving forward in the SV resonating with our community oneness and making space for others to be a part of our goal. We are good at creating life-long experiences that are impactful and help all to be more empathetic. Our meetings have expanded this year by 30 more minutes, and she thanks us for our commitment.


  1. What are the major challenges you see facing the university in the next 5 to 10 years? How can you, and/or your department, help meet those challenges?


             Megan- It is disheartening that this work is being threatened with         


Steve- Demographic cliff. We may weather better but what does it mean if there is a decrease in students?

Michelle- Started but not completed degree students. What happens when we have a larger age range of students. What are we doing to reach this online community?


Nathalie- SE disadvantaged students are being / becoming more diverse all along.  We are trying to offer our services to this larger demographic. If the University increases the investment which we can use to increase our employees and $$ to meet the needs of our campus we can better do what is needed.


Kris- Cashless issues for purchases on campus/ parking/ puts a burden on the members of this committee to make up for these issues. Many more international students on campus need more accommodation. Logistics seem mindboggling. People’s worth seems to be shaved off daily.


Michelle-There are more lines on campus for everything you do.


Thura- I want to offer opportunities instead of challenges . We have opportunities with our spaces. A 5–10-year trajectory is too long; think more for this year and the next 3 years. Student vision is what we need to look toward; what are their expectations. We can design our spaces and services accordingly. Think more short term. We have weathered even during Covid and found work that was good. Online worked well for our programs and we could have speakers from anywhere attend electronically. We had the best turnout for these programs.


Nathalie – Social isolation of the international students. We need to find these students and help them make connections with others in the same situation. We need to foster these students. We want them to feel supported.


Thura- Diversity Residency program. Many of Kawanna’s ideas were born in the diversity committee. Mark Puente is another who went on with great success. Good sound documentation will be key to demonstrating our level of success. We have library deans who went through our program.


Kris- Thinks we tend to overlook the roll of mental wellness and social wellbeing when we think of success. She likes that Calantha has partnered with the psychology department.


Thura-Part of our role as a committee is to send a card from our committee to new employees. We support each other. We should invite colleagues to meet with us to see what we do.


Joe- Suggested our inviting new faculty and staff once a semester to come and share in a meeting with us.


Steve- Add us to the onboarding checklist with Susan.


Michelle- What is the university doing in terms of educating Tennesseans regarding diversity?


Nathalie-Was coached in a certain way to talk to our legislators.


Steve- Our current leaders want to sit in a room and talk to people (Randy and Donde).


Kris-Maybe we need to have some training in best practices of speaking to better get our message heard.  States we need to hold firm and not push back.


Nathalie- It will be a long-term relationship building.


Steve- Students come here from all over the state.

He cannot think of any needed changes to our direction—continue to be brave, 2nd paragraph of our committee statement-the broad nature of what we are. We have trigger points in there but done bravely in a smart way and welcomes all.

Make sure we are always in communication and explain why we are doing what we do. “We are addressing food insecurity because…” Why is this important to the library? It helps educate the public as to what we are doing. Why food insecurity? Students are fainting.  Success is the whole student. Be Brave and Calm. Make sure we add the why in all communication we put out.

Belonging & Engagement Committee Meeting 07/18


Meeting Date: July 18, 2024                       1 PM – 2:30 PM

Location: Hodges Library 1st Floor, Room 128

Attendees: Lee Ann Ratledge, Kris Bronstad, Megan Venable, Kelly Gray, Samantha Ward, Michelle Brannen, Peter Fernandez, Kim Blaylock, Thura Mack, Angelica Rose Nepomuceno, William Thompson, Alex Boris


HR Topics

National Minority Donor Awareness Month

Psoriasis Awareness Month

First Day of the Fall 2024 Semester

International Day or the World’s Indigenous People (August 9th)

Fun / De-stress Activities at McClung Museum

Pride Center Fall Open House

Senior Citizens Day (August 18th)

Women’s Equality Day (August 26th)

Black Women of Print Exhibition Downtown (August 30 – October 17)

Save HR topic for the month of September.

Write-Up: Thura & Angelica


Task Force Updates

The task force has extrapolated 10 potential themes from the Libraries Strategic Vision to build our future programming and projects.

Clarification: We will still continue to do our events that we have always traditionally done, such as the international festival.

We will not be doing the Lunch & Learn programs for the upcoming year.

We are looking to have a theme for the entire academic year.

This will help us focus our efforts and meet the libraries’ needs internally.

We will split into 2-3 groups to select 2-3 topics.

Each topic should be impactful and have an actionable goal and an educational piece.

Think about the budgeting restraints when selecting the topics.


Group Brainstorming

Cultivate belonging and connection through inclusive and accessible learning environments. (5)

Ensure diversity and inclusivity in the Libraries’ artwork in its public spaces (e.g. Hodges’ 1st and 2nd floors) (14)

Actionable Goal / Item:

An art installation titled  “Library Through the Kaleidoscope: A Multifaceted View”

This would help us understand how our campus views our libraries.

Helps us see ourselves through the eyes of others

We can call for art & set up logistics

We can also call for our own colleagues to be a part of this and create art expressing how they see the library and their role

The art installation would be an array of expressions and receiving feedback such as poems, songs, artworks, etc.  We could host this project!


Educational Piece: Reality vs Myth of the Library / Librarian Work

Educating others on the types of work and services that we provide

Medbery Makerspace

Virtual Reality

Virtual Culture Corner

Dismantling the misconceptions and limitations


Impact on Internal Library Organization

campus collaboration and engagement with other parts of campus

deeper insight into various audience perspectives

dynamic and evolving image of the library

take place during Library Appreciation Week?



Democracy and Representation– Looking at Democracy in the libraries

It is a stretch to say we are a part of a democracy in the libraries, but we can value democratic values to ensure a place for belonging

Libraries are pillars of democracy because they help us investigate; a way to give visibility for diverse holdings.

Create openness and a sense of belonging. It is our role as information providers to provide equitable and open information. Ties in fundamentally to what what the library does

Suggestion: move the culture corner out of the corner.

Understanding our government and how it works, voter registration push for students and employees

Responsible digital citizenship, how can you spot misinformation/disinformation and influencing opinions.

How can you discuss in a civil manner rather than reactionary?

Frame it more as something that we need rather than focusing on just democracy (which has not been the greatest in history); a narrative such as suffragette and milestones that America has.

Listen, Learn, & Lead (Samantha and Kelseigh Bien)

Opposing viewpoints and how to discuss them in a civil

Reach out to Donna– talk to others who have a more specialized knowledge

Actionable item: B. Delaney Collection– focused on black queer artists with mental health issues.

Would tie in to representation

Back to the basics of education



Examine food insecurity during times of the semester when the POD and Vol Dining are closed. We are often the last building open on campus. How can we support students during this time? (58)

Focus on Food Insecurity

Educational piece what does food insecurity looks like, can be internal

Actionable: creating meal kits that we can hand out

Big orange pantry wants to expand into Hodges, we can promote it?

Educational piece – SNAP access

Students that are eligible are unaware that they are eligible (teach people how to access the resources they should be able to)

Grocery shopping on a budget – UT Extension

SLA pantry downstairs

More than ⅓ are food insecure nationally

10% of people who use the Big Orange Pantry are faculty and staff.

The library can provide nutrition – mind and body

The libraries have always provided cultural intellectual nutrition.

Student basic needs group

The libraries are open the longest and the safest place on campus (Hodges Library is a central location.)

Suggestion: Combine a potential art display with food insecurity– think beyond books. Ask students/staff/faculty to think creatively about their needs. What does hunger or need look like to students?

UN Food Security Goals: How do we advance this mission? Similar to the Seed Library / Agriculture.

Extend beyond food insecurity to include basic needs conversation; parking conversation about basic needs (such as water).

Partner on the educational and action piece with other departments. We could write a grant to fund this.


Food insecurity & Seed Library

Planning for a pantry in Hodges Library.

Many initiatives are about 80% there.

Inviting partners like disability services to meet with librarians, staff, and faculty.

Update signage and policies to remove barriers to access.


Going Forward

Thing to think about:

Try to blend everything going forward so that every.

Think about a speaker to come talk at the library.

Think about actionable item pieces or educational pieces

Should we try to include a volunteer component?

We will continue to do international festivals.

The BE Committee can send out handwritten cards out to faculty/staff/students that are shining.

This is something that would make them feel special and recognize employee work.

Send letters to Teresa Walker and Benny Smith.


Belonging & Engagement Committee Meeting 06/20
Meeting Date: June 20, 2024 1 PM – 2 PM
Location: Hodges Library 6th Floor, Room 605
Attendees: Tyler Schlandt, Joseph McGuire, Kim Blaylock, Kelly Gray, Samantha Ward, Michelle Brannen, Alex Boris, Thura Mack, Angelica Rose Nepomuceno

Meeting Agenda
I. Announcements
Makerspace Playdate – Send out details to the rest of the BE Committee.

II. BE Committee Retreat Reflections
The Belonging and Engagement (BE) Committee meeting focused on two main goals: 1) creating a plan for future discussions and 2) defining the committee’s role in the context of diversity and inclusion initiatives at the university.

Link to the BE Committee Retreat Contingency Planning Notes (05/23): 

Key Discussion Points:
● Target Audience: There is a divide between the committee’s internal library audience and the wider UTK campus community. The committee is unsure of how to effectively reach both groups.
○ Focus on Internal Work: The committee may benefit from focusing on educating and empowering library students, faculty, and staff who can then promote inclusivity practices to a wider audience.
■ Focus on efforts for everyone in the library to better engage with the broader community and provide better interactions with the
broader community.
○ Suggestion: Have set open meetings where we can have people show up to meetings. They would not only have voting power, but also allows for others to pitch ideas or other topics. This might help with reaching our internal audience.
■ This would be good about hearing others thoughts about DEI initiatives and current gaps in the library– compare & contrast to
hear other perspectives.
● For assessment of the libraries– contact Lizzie Cope.
■ Are we suggesting that we open the meetings to other folks in the Libraries or others on campus doing like-minded work?
● We could do either. Perhaps more opening meetings to those within the library? We could be more transparent with what work we are doing.
● But we could also have it open to campus partners.
○ Having an open meeting might be the same self-selecting group. What if we invited different departments or pairs of departments to join our meeting? This might get more people to come throughout the year.
■ Food as Incentives: cookies, breakfast donuts?
■ Perhaps we can go to their meetings rather than have the pressure placed on others to come to our meetings.
■ Many like the idea of having a small blurb to share out at others’ department meetings– then we can divide up the work of attending
them. Maybe part of this can be an activity or discussion prompt that might bring back some good ideas for our committee.
● Create a small group and team to hone into the details we need.
● Hearing Other Voices: The committee may benefit from focusing on educating and empowering library students, faculty, and staff who can then promote inclusivity practices to a wider audience.
● Marketing and Communication: Committee efforts may be hampered by a lack of awareness. There is a need to improve communication about the committee’s mission and activities to others on campus.
○ Name Change & Contingency Planning
○ Suggestion: Pamphlet for BE Committee, Culture Corner, and website

III. Taskforce
○ Gauge what the organizations’ needs are. There are people who truly are eager to learn; however, there are also other people who may not be as willing to talk.
■ How do we talk about the pain points? Pain points are not as likely to be brought up from people who are not voluntarily
attending/embracing things.
● Written, anonymous surveys might help with the difficult topics. How do you reach the not self-selecting group?
● What do people perceive to be the problem?
○ If we do focus internally then we may also need to make a concerted effort that not all of our programming is going to be for the same self-selecting group. So maybe not necessarily like-minded individuals, but we do really want to try to reach across the libraries organization to reach more people and people who do not self-select for development programs like this.
○ Set up a Taskforce that will figure out our approach in gaining this information and then get feedback from others on our ideas.
■ Most people agree with this idea; however, what would the task force do specifically compared to the entire BE Committee group?
○ Taskforce Lead: Tyler Schlandt
○ Volunteer Taskforce: Tyler, Kim, Thura, Angelica, Megan, Lizzie

IV. BE Committee Retreat Outcomes
● At the retreat many suggested inviting guests, partners, or speakers to our meetings. Who would we like to invite?
○ Create an invitation list.
● Develop a plan for gathering feedback from library staff and faculty about their needs and interests.
● Explore collaborating with existing student organizations to reach a wider student audience.
● Investigate partnerships with other campus departments focused on diversity and inclusion.
● Improve communication about the committee’s work through targeted marketing efforts.

V. Meeting Time Change in July
● Everyone who attended the meeting has agreed to extend our meeting time by 30 minutes. Meetings will now be an hour and a half starting in July.
● This would give us a chance to do a deeper dive and have it be a strong working meeting.

VI. Discuss Submitted HR Topics
● Topics
○ Independence Day (4th of July)
○ National Minority Mental Health Awareness
○ Plastic Free July
○ Sarcoma Awareness Month
○ Social Wellness Month
○ The Bottom: Stories from the Neighborhood (Joe)
■ Black owned bookstore and community organization
■ Name is from a predominantly black neighborhood that was
■ Putting in the interstate – like in many cities – went right through the heart of the black business district in Knoxville
■ I like that one (The Bottom) for our HR Topics
○ Safe Zone Training (Joe)
○ Kuumba Festival (Lee Ann)
● Write Up
○ The Bottom: Stories from the Neighborhood (Joe will write a piece.)
■ Black owned bookstore and community organization
■ Name is from a predominantly black neighborhood that was destroyed
■ Putting in the interstate – like in many cities – went right through the heart of the black business district in Knoxville
■ I like that one (The Bottom) for our HR Topics
○ Kuumba Festival
○ Plastic Free July
■ Reusable Straws / Bag

Belonging and Engagement Committee meeting

May 16, 2024

Room 605 and on Zoom


Attending: Angelica Nepomuceno, Thura Mack, Joseph McGuire, Will Thompson, Thura Mack, Kim Blaylock, Tyler Schlandt, Judy Li, Lee Ann Ratledge, Kris Bronstad, Alex Boris, Peter Fernandez, Kelly Gray


  • Kelly won the Association of University Presses Book Cover Design Award


HR Topics for June 2024:

  • Knox Pride Saturday Market availability
  • Juneteenth
  • June is Caribbean American Heritage Month, Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month, PTSD Awareness Month, Pride Month and World Infertility Awareness Month



  • Judy attended a Women of Color Faculty in the Academy National Conference with several UT Libraries and campus colleagues in April at Virginia Tech.
  • BE Committee Retreat
    • The schedule is currently a draft. Your feedback will be appreciated.
    • The retreat is scheduled for Thursday, May 23 from 8:30 – 1 PM in Communications Building, Room 402G
  • We will have a call for new members in March of 2025

Belonging and Engagement Committee meeting

March 21, 2024 in Hodges 605 and Zoom


Attending: Samantha Ward, Alex Boris, Thura Mack, Megan Venable, Joe McGuire, Will Thompson, Lee Ann Ratledge, Lizzie Cope, Michelle Brannen, Kim Blaylock, Tyler Schlandt


Announcements: Lee Ann mentioned that in the TN Legislature there is a webinar today on Educating ourselves on TN Decisive Concepts Laws. Joe and Megan will log on and attend the session.


Samantha suggested that April is National Stress Month and there is an opportunity to share some resources.,component%20of%20a%20healthy%20lifestyle


Megan suggested that we list our April 19 Lunch & Learn on Mental Wellness at noon in the Mary Greer room. Samantha will welcome the group and introduce the moderator at the event. A list of resources will be solicited from our panelists and moderator to create a handout for attendees for the session. Send questions for the panelists to Thura before next Friday, March 28th.


Joe suggested April 16 – 22 is National Volunteer Week and we highlight some organizations available and the HR policy that as employees we can get PTO for 8 hours of volunteer work a year.


We will spend the rest of the meeting in sub-committees: Megan will help set-up the breakout rooms for our sub-committees.


VCC update: Dive Deeper: The 1619 Project, Tracing the Legacy of Slavery. It has been brought up that this display might be a target in terms of diversity work, and may be triggering for others. Molly Royse and Teresa Walker will be invited to the April BE Committee meeting to discuss.


Lunch & Learn page is missing from the website; there is a need to find it and add it back to the navigation bar. Michelle offered to find and fix it.


Outreach is creating a BE Committee one page information sheet for partners to help with events. When Calantha worked with SIS on a program in the fall on Queer Conversations and will work with us when the time comes for support on that.

Belonging and Engaging Committee meeting

February 15, 2024

Hodges 605 and zoom


Attending: Kim Blaylock, Nathalie Hristov, Lee Ann Ratledge, Kris Bronstad, Alex Boris, Will Thompson, Joe McGuire, Tyler Schlandt, Judy Li, Megan Venable, Samantha Ward, Lizzie Cope, Peter Fernandez, Angelica Nepomuceno and Thura Mack


Nathalie reported on year’s Ready for the World Music Series: Turkey program on Sunday, February 25, 2024, in the Natalie L. Haslam Music Center


Joe suggested resources for Women’s History Month in the library for the March HR topic with CEHHS. Megan offered that she and her FUTURE student will pull titles on the subject for a display.


Thura suggested Mental Health Monday on the UTK calendar event. Rocky Top Recovery’s Mental Health Monday peer support meetings are an opportunity to connect with other students, share your struggles and progress, and learn about different mental health topics and coping mechanisms.


Thura asked that everyone share their reflections on the Privilege Layer Cake development activity.



HR topics

PLC reflections

Subcommittee meetings

Belonging and Engaging Committee meeting

January 18, 2024

Via Zoom


Attending: Thura Mack, Megan Venable, Samantha Ward, Lizzie Cope, Tyler Schlandt, Judy Li, Alix Boris, Michelle Brannen

HR topics for February: Privilege Cake on February 8th at 12:30 and Office of Access providing translators for classes and events, as well as resources UT Writing Center ( as well as Student Disability Services (together with what UT Libraries provide).

We will spend the rest of the meeting in sub-committees: Megan will help set-up breakout rooms for our sub-committees.


BE Committee website/ VCC/Culture Corner

Kelly Gray

Lizzie Cope

Peter Fernandez

Kris Bronstad

Megan Venable

Kim Blaylock

Alex Boris

Michelle Brannen


Outreach to campus and community

Joseph McGuire

Judy Li

Lee Ann Ratledge

Tyler Schlandt


Lunch and Learn

William Thompson

Samantha Ward

Thura Mack

Belonging and Engaging Committee meeting minutes

December 14, 2023

Room 128 and Zoom


Attending: Joseph McGuire, Tyler Schlandt, Lizzie Cope, Leeann Ratledge, Thura Mack, Megan Venable, Judy Li, Samantha Ward, William Judd, Kim Blaylock, Kris Bronstad, Nathalie Hristov


HR Topics – MLK Day of Service suggested by Thura, Tyler suggested a calendar of events, Joe suggested highlighting the office of access provides translators for classes and events, Samantha suggested a reminder that we have volunteer hours.


The topics will be MLK Day of Service and reminder about the volunteer hours. Samantha and Thura will write something up for the HR Bulletin.


As you’re making your calendars for 2024 there’s a resource for important dates


Save the date: Privilege Layer Cake

  • Online session with Kawanna Bright is January 24 at 11 in Hodges 605 and Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:
  • Breakfast with Kawanna Bright is February 8th at 8:30 AM in Hodges 605.


A signup form will be sent in January for people to sign up for sessions for Dr. Bright’s two in-person PLC

Diversity Committee Meeting

October 19, 2023 | 1-2 PM | Hodges 605/Zoom


Present: Thura Mack, LeeAnn Ratlidge, William Judd, William Thompson, Tyler Schlandt, Judy Li, Kim Blaylock, Lizzie Cope, Nathalie Hristov, Kelly Gray, Peter Fernandez




HR Topics (Thura Mack)

  • Members brought a variety of topics to share on the HR bulletin for November.
    • The group voted to submit a piece on bringing awareness to Native American customs and food to prepare during the Thanksgiving holiday. This will include a recipe or other resources and how to support food insecurity on reservations.
    • Secondly, several events on campus were shared. The group voted to submit a list of events with minimal description to share with library personnel.


Dean of Libraries’ Student Advisory Committee Brainstorm – (Kate Shepas)

  • The group brainstormed ideas on what we would like to DSAC feedback on or input.
    • Topics students are concerned about or interested in
    • How do they see or hear about diversity events on campus? How about their peers? How are they deciding what to go to?
    • Feedback on their views of the library in terms of diversity, inclusivity, and welcomeness. Feedback on signage, spaces, and other things we can improve upon when it comes to diversity in our spaces.
    • Feedback on the Lunch & Learn and other programs. How could we get more participation from student groups and student organizations? Student voices are important, and we do not want to miss those opportunities.
    • Express to DSAC that we are reaching out to them because we truly want to hear their voices and take action on things that we can change.



  • Lunch & Learn: Blackness on Campus will take place on November 9, 2023 from 11:30-1pm in Hodges 605 or Zoom.
  • The Book Read kick-off is next week in the student union.
  • January 24 at 11am in 605 Dr. Kawanna Bright will be running an activity about privilege for the Diversity Committee. She will be visiting campus in February to conduct the activity for the Libraries.
  • In the spring, the Diversity Committee will host a retreat.


Action Items:

  • Thura will email Melanie and Niki about promoting their event in the HR Bulletin.
  • HR Topic #1 will be written by William Thompson, Kelly Gray, and Thura Mack.
  • HR Topic #2: Save the Dates will be written by Kate Shepas
  • William and Kate will send a Google Doc to the Diversity Committee to contribute questions for our November Lunch & Learn: Blackness on Campus.

UT Libraries Diversity Committee meeting

September 21, 2023


Attending: Will Thompson, William Judd, Lizzie Cope, Joe Ferguson, Megan Venable, Kim Blaylock, Joseph McGuire, Lee Ann Ratledge, Samantha Ward, Tyler Schlandt


  • Special guest Joe Ferguson (Joe needs advice from the committee as to whether or not it is discriminatory practice for individuals without a first or last name to leave the field blank in official records) Alma will continue to leave the blank field blank, but make a note on the student record to indicate that states the user has only one name. That way the student will see their name on notices without an indication they only have one name.
  • HR topics
    • Day of the Dead will be observed Friday, October 27th in the Reese Galleria. Come visit the ofrendas the students have crafted for the celebration at the day-long event.
    • International Festival is October 20th 10 – 2 PM on the Pedestrian Walkway. The UT Libraries will be hosting a table; keep an eye out for a sign up to volunteer at the event.
    • Lunch and Learn on October 12th noon – 1 PM in Hodges 605. It will be a panel discussion on Civil Conversations. THIS HAS BEEN POSTPONED.
  • Sub-committee reports –
    • Privilege Layer Cake update (Lizzie) – Dr. Bright will come as a visiting lecturer in spring 2024.
    • Book Read update (Megan) – the kickoff meeting is scheduled for October 26 from noon – 1 PM in SU 225 and will feature the head of the Africana Studies department Shayla Nunnally and faculty member Robert Bland.
    • VCC update (Megan) – the site has been updated with the resources for Iranian Culture for women, and a new topic on African American history has been suggested to Molly Royse.
    • International Festival (Joseph McGuire) – October 20th 10 – 2 PM on the Ped Walkway and will feature international sports and games.
    • Will reported that there will be a Lunch and Learn October 12th on Civil Conversation in 605. An invitation will be sent out to the DC to come and brainstorm questions for the panel with Kate and Will. THIS HAS BEEN POSTPONED.
  • Next DC meeting will be October 19th in 605 and

Diversity Committee Meeting: Thursday August 17, 1-2

Room 605 or


Attending: Thura Mack, Peter Fernandez, Lee Ann Ratledge, Judy Li, Kate Shepas, Kim Blaylock, Tyler Schlandt, Joe McGuire, William Judd, Kelly Gray, Kris Bronstad, William Thompson, Alex Boris, Samantha Ward



Announcements – Host Will Wilson exhibit tour @ McClung on August 30 at 1 PM


HR bulletin topics –


Day of the Dead celebration will be on October 27th, Jewish New Year is starting September 16th, and Hispanic Heritage Month is September and There will be a workshop on Title IX on September 12th


All the book lists from various Culture Corners in the past have been archived and available for viewing on the libguide here:


William Judd and Tyler and Lee Ann will work on the calendar piece for HR bulletin


Structure: Breakout into subcommittees – select co-facilitators for each group, edit guidelines for each subcommittee and set up 2 – 3 goals for the group and action items to reach those goals

  1. Subcommittees report out progress (If we run out of time facilitators email Megan your subcommittee report to be included in the minutes)

Website subcommittee – Megan will serve as facilitator.


Want to find a way to determine what users want from the site and seeing if we can provide that for them.


Examine peer sites for their content and perhaps borrow ideas from them. Have some questions identified by the next meeting to ask of faculty and staff. Do you know the website exists and does it provide the information you are interested in?


Lunch & Learn Subcommittee Meeting

Aug 17, 2023 12:00 PM


Present: William Judd, Thura Mack, Kate Shepas, William Thompson, and Samantha Ward



  1. Define Lunch & Learn series 
  2. Discuss first topic: Civil Conversations 
  1. Select potential panelists/moderators
  2. Communication email to send to panelists/moderators 
  1. Discuss second topic: Blackness on campus
  1. Select potential panelists/moderators
  2. Communication email to send to panelists/moderators 
  1. Communication email to panelists



  1. Will Judd spoke with Lola in marketing. Their team will need 3-4 weeks notice for a marketing campaign of the event. Cathy Jenkins left past materials, which we could quickly modify for the event. 



  1. Define Lunch & Learn Series
    • The subcommittee determined that the Lunch & Learn programs will incorporate traditional elements from the past such as panel discussions while having the ability to explore creative options to add or improve the program for the future. 
    • The Lunch & Learn Series is a program hosted by the UT Libraries Diversity Committee to promote civility and awareness of diversity issues. The subcommittee group identifies a social justice or cultural awareness topic or opportunity that is impacting our society, campus, library, etc. Traditionally, the program is a panel discussion with a moderator offered from 11:30-1 PM in a hybrid environment in either the library or the Student Union. 
    • We always communicate that Lunch & Learn Spaces are a safe space, and we have a ground rule that everyone in the room is respected. 
    • Suggestions were made to grow the vision for future Lunch & Learn programs to have more creative spaces and somewhat less knowledge based discussions and more creative based discussions. 
    • Questions for the panel will be formed partly by subcommittee members as well as inviting the panelists and moderators to add questions to feel they have a voice and are respected for their knowledge. 
    • Role of moderators: people with related experiences or people who we feel will do a great job. 
    • The group was interested in offering HR credit for Lunch & Learn events. This was done in the past and would need to be coordinated with Susan and Elizabeth. 
  1. Discussion: Civil Conversations topic
    • The group selected potential panelists, back-up panelists, and moderators. 
    • Potential panelists include: 
  1. Be One UT rep: Delphia Howze, Chief Inclusion Strategy Officer, Email:, Phone: 865-974-8170
  2. Dr. Ernest Brothers,
  3. Duren Thompson, Educational Program Coordinator, Ombuds,
    • Back-up panelists include: 
  1. Dorothy Wallis,, experience in de-escalation techniques, College of Social Work. 
  2. Representative from the Counseling Center
    • Potential moderators: 
  1. Anthony Prewitt, Director of the Multicultural Center,
  1. Discussion: Blackness on campus topic
    • The group was unable to reach this discussion topic. We will reach out via email regarding this topic. 
  1. Communications Email to Panelists
    • The group worked together to edit the communication email to send out to panelists and moderators. 
    • Deadline for edits is August 25, 2023. 
    • After the email is complete, the group will delegate responsibilities for communicating out to panelists/moderators.


Outreach Subcommittee

  •  Co-facilitators: Joseph McGuire and Tyler Schlandt
    • Create and maintain shared event calendar document
    • Create a stand alone event for students and community 
      • (Film festival?, gaming tournament?,) 
    • International Festival 
      • Theme this year International Sports and Games
  • Have popcorn, giveaways, and sports and games at the tables, international candy
  • October 20



Meeting Minutes June 15, 2023

Attendees: Thura Mack, Kim Baylock, Kate Shepas, Kelly Gray, Tyler Schlandt



  • All current committee members are to send Megan their short bio to update the Diversity Committee website!
  • Nathalie Hristov agreed to join the committee as Ex-Officio.
  • The website subcommittee has been working on tidying up the website.
  • New member orientation is next Thursday, July 22nd from 1-2 PM in the Mary Greer Rm and Mark your calendars and come out to support Thura, Megan, and Tyler running the meeting and welcoming new members. 


Lunch & Learn

  • Move this agenda item to next month.


July HR Bulletin topics


Committee restructuring

  • The restructuring volunteer group (Peter, Megan, Tyler, Christy, Judy, Alex and Thura) met and decided on four areas that the committee will focus on for the meetings.
  • The new meeting structure will consist of: whole committee meeting, split into small working groups, and potentially come back to report out at the end of the meeting.
  • Members will submit the area they would like to participate in. The working groups will decide on their goals for the year with a subcommittee working group leader.
    • Diversity committee website.
    • Virtual Cultural Corner website/physical culture corner (topic proposal)
    • Outreach to campus and community/International Festival
    • Lunch and Learn programs (program coordination)
  • Spreadsheet will be done in July for members to volunteer for subcommittees.
  • On the spreadsheet, we would like members to be able to indicate if they want to take on two opportunities.
  • We will pilot the restructuring for the Fall, reflect and assess in December/January for moving forward.



DC Minutes – April 20

Present: Kim Baylock, Elizabeth Greene, Sara Greene, Judy Li, Tyler Schlandt, Kate Shepas, and Megan Venable

Diversity Committee meeting minutes

Thursday, May 18 at 1 PM


Attending: Michelle Brannen, Kim Blaylock, Megan Venable, Thura Mack, Kate Shepas, Tyler Schlandt, Sara Green, Alex Boris, Christy Cortes, Judy Li, Kelly Gray and Peter Fernandez


Announcements –

Save the date for the International Festival is October 20th from 10 – 2. The committee agreed to participate in having a booth for it; perhaps put together a task force to talk about a plan for it.


HR Bulletin topics for June –

Topic 1: announcement to welcome new members.

Topic 2: Project GRAD will be held in Hodges Library in June and taught by members of the Diversity Committee.


New member selection – discussion was held and there was an agreement to invite Will Thompson, Lizzie Cope, Lee Ann Ratledge, Kris Bronstad, Joseph McGuire, William Judd, Samantha Ward. Dean Smith will be given the slate of proposed new members for his approval. New members would be invited to attend orientation in June and attend their first meeting in July. Additionally, Nathalie Hristov will be invited to join as an ex-officio member in recognition of our collaborations over the years. Kate will work with Thura on getting an invitation letter to her to ask her to join the committee.


Lunch and Learn updates – please think about ideas for upcoming L&L topics (including potential speakers as well as subject ideas). Megan will send out some standard language describing the Lunch and Learn series. (see below)


The UT Libraries Diversity Committee hosts and participates in a number of campus-wide activities to promote civility and awareness of social justice issues. Our Lunch and Learn series has covered a variety of topics such as “How to be an Anti-Racist: From Theory to Practice,” and “Reflecting on our Foundations: Native Voices and Stories.” We’ve also covered topics such as “Financial Literacy” and “Conversations on Immigration,” so you can see we cover a wide variety of subjects during these programs.


Ideas for new meeting structure – there will be a push to make meetings more productive. Peter suggested we examine the committee members strengths for assessment. Christy, Peter, Judy, Alex and Thura will be a subcommittee to meet to discuss how to restructure. The subcommittee will report to the full committee in June.

Concern for Chinese Students

  • A UT Daily Beacon article surrounding the ban of Tik-Tok and WeChat addressed feelings and concerns from our Chinese students as they use these apps to communicate back home. Continue to be aware of the affect this state law is having on our students and making them feel isolated.  
  • Additionally, be aware of the house bill being passed at the state level that affects the campus, professors, and students.


Book Read Update


HR Topics for May

  • Kim will share a small list of video resources that represent the Cultural Corner.


Call for New Members

  • ACTION: please review the call for new members and submit any suggestions to Megan by Monday, April 24th.
  • A suggestion was made to ask new members to give examples of skills they could add to the committee, such as experience with fliers, programming, website skills, or event tabling.
  • Megan will send out to ALL-STAFF after suggestions are taken into consideration.


Cultural Updates for Different Groups

  • Kate explained the scenario encountered at the coffeehouse event with the Iranian Student Organization and the misrepresentation of the country’s flag.
  • Kate proposed an idea to potentially include student groups in the diversity committee’s discussions when thinking about programs and events.
  • The Diversity Committee will plan to meet with the Dean of Libraries’ Student Advisory Committee in the Fall to talk with the group and get recommendations for culture corner, lunch and learns, and other diversity committee programs.
  • There may be an opportunity to reach out and get feedback from specific student organizations in the creation period and selection of library materials.

Diversity Committee meeting minutes 3.23.23

Via Zoom


Attending: Thura Mack, Ernest Brothers, Alex Boris, Judy Li, Christy Urquieta Cortes, Kim Blaylock, Kelly Gray, Megan Venable, Kate Shepas, Tyler Schlandt, Michelle Brannen, Sara Green


  • Announcements
  • HR Bulletin topics
  • Ideas for future space/programming
    • Judy suggested bringing some games to campus that offer an orientation into different cultures
    • Michelle offered that Paris Whalon is looking in to getting some games on civil rights/disparity
    • Kelly suggested a trivia night
    • Tyler suggested putting a stage in the area behind Starbucks and Kelly and Kate had ideas on how to utilize the space in the fall
    • Michelle suggested working with the International House on putting together a trivia night in the fall and Judy offered to work on that initiative
    • Michelle suggested a poetry reading
    • Judy suggested soothing music for Destress
    • Sara a table with a poster with squares listing different professions and in talking with students placing push pins into their major asking them if they have considered working in a corner of the field not regularly looked at. Have lists that have different culturally important businesses/offices that address these options. An example would be health care on an Indian reservation, a rural area with low income residents or immigrant center.
    • Thura suggested having the radio station come over
  • Book Read update
    • 22 titles were suggested; a vote will go out next week to all lib, SIS and the student ALA chapter
  • VCC update
    • The physical culture corner is up; the website will soon be updated

Diversity Committee meeting minutes

Thursday Feb. 16, 1-2pm


Attendees: Thura Mack, Megan Venable, Kate Shepas, Alex Boris, Kim Blaylock, Elizabeth Greene, Trey Hobson, Kelly Gray, Peter Fernandez, Tyler Schlandt


Diversity Committee meeting:


FUTURE student internship – making good progress with Lauren; please let Thura know if there are any projects she can be working on.


Women’s History Month update – Alex reported that we have a list of 45 titles and if you collect the book please initial that you retrieved it on the spreadsheet. The “notable women in history” display will go up March 1 in recognition of Women’s History Month.


Megan asked about the possibility of partnering with the Center for Financial Wellness and creating a book display in April on financial wellness. Alex agreed and we will work together on the display.


VCC – Molly is making progress on our next Culture Corner, and a meeting is scheduled for the VCC in early March.


Book Read update – meeting scheduled for Friday, February 17th


Upcoming Lunch and Learns –


Friday, February 24

1:00pm-2:00pm Lecture: Saving Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Online (SUCHO), Student Union 270 and Zoom:


Thursday, March 9

Noon – 1:30 A panel has been set to discuss students and financial hardship/food instability Big Orange Closet (Blake Weiss), Big Orange Pantry (Johanna Ramb), Center for Financial Wellness (Philippa Satterwhite – moderator of panel), Dean of Students Office (Javiette Samuel) and Smokey’s Pantry (Nicole Carvagno).  Student Union 360 and Zoom:


Be thinking of future topics for the summer or fall Lunch and Learns.


Tyler asked that we find additional ways for the diversity committee to have more of a presence in the day to day libraries activities. It was suggested that a diversity committee highlight be part of the HR minute. Elizabeth suggested keeping the HR minute on each agenda so that she will know what to include on each communication.


Megan gave a brief overview of her work with the National Coalition Building Institute diversity training for the campus.


Alex will get Elizabeth the information about the women’s history month book display, and Thura will get Elizabeth information on Thoughtful Thursdays for the HR minute.


Kim suggested some streaming videos be featured for the April HR minute provided it doesn’t interfere with public performance rights.


Next Meeting is March 16



UT Libraries Diversity Committee

Thursday, January 19, 2023

Via Zoom


Attending: Thura Mack, Megan Venable, Kate Shepas, Tyler Schlandt, Alex Boris, Christy Urquieta Cortes, Judy Li, Alison Meadows, Peter Fernandez, Kelly Gray


  • Collaboration with Nathalie Hristov, for the Ready for the World Music Series: Ukraine
    • Saving Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Online (SUCHO) is an initiative of over 1,500 international volunteers who are collaborating online to digitize and preserve Ukrainian cultural heritage. Since the start of the invasion, SUCHO has web-archived more than 5,000 websites and 50TB of data of Ukrainian cultural institutions, to prevent these websites from going offline. The websites range from national archives to local museums, from 3D tours of churches to children’s art centers. ***This activity is open to a limited number of in-person attendees based on meeting room capacity. A Zoom option will be available for online participation and is open to the public.
    • Nathalie requests our assistance with tiny URL links for sessions and monitoring of Zoom; surveys (creation, distribution, collection, and input); attendance and participation for sessions (especially the 2/24 session from 1 – 2:30 in Student Union 270); submit questions for presenters; and any help setting up and breaking down after each session would be appreciated.

The full schedule for the visit is below:


Friday, February 24, 2023


1:00pm-2:00pm Lecture: Saving Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Online (SUCHO), Student Union 270 and Zoom:

2:00pm-2:30pm Q&A from audience

2:30pm Wrap up with in-person attendees: what are UT Libraries’ social responsibilities to the community (regional, professional, global)? what strategies/and or takeaways from today’s session can be applied to our work in the UT Libraries?

3:00 Dismiss/Break down 


Presenter: Quinn Dombrowski (Digital Humanities Librarian, Stanford University; SUCHO Coordinator)


Marking the one-year anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, librarian and project coordinator Quinn Dombrowski (Stanford University) will present a lecture on a library-led effort, Saving Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Online (SUCHO). SUCHO is an initiative of over 1,500 international volunteers who are collaborating online to digitize and preserve Ukrainian cultural heritage. Since the start of the invasion, SUCHO has web-archived more than 5,000 websites and 50TB of data of Ukrainian cultural institutions, to prevent these websites from going offline. The websites range from national archives to local museums, from 3D tours of churches to children’s art centers. ***This activity is open to a limited number of in-person attendees based on meeting room capacity. A Zoom option will be available for online participation and is open to the public.


Sunday, February 26, 2023 (attend as able)


12:30pm-2:00pm Ready for the World Music Series (Art and cultural exhibits; reception), SOM Lobby 

Exhibitors: Viktoriia Cubbedge, Oksana Kravchenko, Anya Allen, Alina Blium Anderson, Oolidea, LLC, UT Libraries, koloHUB. 


2:00pm-4:00pm Ready for the World Music Series (Music performance and lecture), SOM Recital Hall 

Presenters: Angelina Gadeliya, Solomia Soroka, Sergei Vassiliev 


Monday, February 27, 2023 – Mary Greer Rm


1:00pm-2:00pm Lecture, Ukrainian Music: The Story of Passion, Struggle, and Hope  

2:00pm-2:30pm Q&A from audience

2:30pm Wrap up with in-person attendees (light refreshments).


Presenter: Solomia Soroka


Ukraine’s geopolitical history is probably one of the world’s most dramatic and tragic, as is its history of music. This lecture offers an insight into the Ukrainian classical musical scene starting with the 17th century and proceeding into modern times. The audience will be introduced to the music of four most important composers of Ukraine: Mykola Lysenko, Vasyl Barvinsky, Myroslav Skoryk, and Yevhen Stankovych, and discuss various musical and political factors that influenced life and their creative output.  


  • International Café
    • First Wednesday of every month from 1 – 3 PM in the Mary Greer Room – Feb. 1 (China; Judy made note that this is also the start of the Chinese New Year), Mar. 1, Apr. 5, May 3
  • FUTURE student intern
    • FUTURE is a UT comprehensive program that helps young adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities make a successful transition from high school to adult life. They are looking for placement of one of their students in the libraries. Tyler volunteered to assist in transitioning this student in the library. David Castleman is the contact with FUTURE to work in transitioning the student into the library.
  • Lunch and Learn updates
    • A panel has been set to discuss students and financial hardship/food instabilityBig Orange Closet (Blake Weiss), Big Orange Pantry (Johanna Ramb), Center for Financial Wellness (Philippa Satterwhite – moderator of panel), End Hunger/FEED Change (Javiette Samuel) and Smokey’s Pantry (Nicole Carvagno). We are planning on holding the event in-person/hybrid in early March.
  • There will be Book Read and VCC updates in the February meeting.
  • Tyler suggested we use the mobile book display in late February to feature a topic.
  • Judy suggested a book display for female journalists for Women’s History Month. Judy, Alex, Thura, Alison, Kate and Kelly all agreed to work as a subcommittee on this subject and Megan will schedule a meeting for everyone.

Belonging & Engagement Committee Meeting 04/18

Meeting Information

Meeting Date: April 18, 2024 1 PM – 2 PM

Location: Hodges Library 6th Floor, Room 605

Meeting Agenda

  1. HR Topics
  • Documents in the HR folder are for potential topics.
  • Topics
    • State of AAPI Forum, Friday May 3rd
      • Inaugural State of AAPI Forum 2024, an inspiring and interactive event dedicated to sharing stories, experiences, research, and insights on topics related to the Asian American and Pacific experience. This forum is designed to amplify diverse voices and perspectives, promote understanding and solidarity, and inspire action towards equity and inclusion through a series of keynote speeches, lightning talks, panels, and networking opportunities.
  • Medication Take Back, Wednesday May 8th
    • Reduce the number of unused, unwanted, and expired medications on campus and in our community. Disposing of medications properly reduces the risk of substance misuse and environmental harm caused by flushing or throwing medications away improperly. Items dropped off are kept anonymous and no questions asked. Naloxone kits, trainings, medication lock boxes, snacks, hot chocolate/tea, and giveaways will also be available.
  • Global Accessibility Awareness Day, May 16th
    • Global Accessibility Awareness Day is an awareness day focusing on digital access and inclusion for the more than one billion people alive today who live with disabilities or impairments. It is marked annually on the third Thursday of May.
  • National Decency Day, May 14th
  • Celebrates the basic standard of civility that every American deserves. DECENCY is a non-partisan grassroots movement launched to inspire decency in everyday life – in both conversations and actions.
  • National Creativity Day, May 30th
    • It’s a day to celebrate your creativity, whether you’re an artist, writer, musician, filmmaker, blogger, photographer, or graphic artist. The day was founded by Hal Croasmun and ScreenwritingU to encourage people to keep creating and support the creativity of others.
  • Holocaust Remembrance Day, May 6th
    • Observed as Israel’s day of commemoration for the approximately six million Jews murdered in the Holocaust by Nazi Germany and its collaborators, and for the Jewish resistance in that period. 
  • Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month
    • The month recognizes the contributions and influence of Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islander Americans to the history, culture, and achievements of the United States.
    • Newest Chancellor’s Commision for AAPI
  • Jewish American Heritage Month
    • Celebrated in May to recognize the contributions and experiences of Jewish Americans throughout American history.
  • Big Orange Finish Line / DeStress for Success
    • Renamed ‘DeStress for Success’– campus wide for finals week; the theme is about mental wellbeing and health
  • new to this year
  • be sure to use the ‘finish line’ because big orange finish has another connotation online (from Michelle)
  • Promote campus resources that people can take advantage of for a mental break in June (resource list from April Lunch & Learn)
  • Knox Pride Saturday Markets, May 25th
    • Add to June Calendar since June is pride month.
  • Older Americans Month
    • Historically, Older Americans Month has been a time to acknowledge the contributions of past and current older persons to our country, in particular those who defended our country.
  • Compile a calendar for the rest of the events. Focus on writing about the Big Orange Finish Line. 
    • Joseph will be writing for Big Orange Finish Line.
    • Ms. Thura and Angelica will work on the calendar consolidation.
  1. Announcements
  • Our Mental Wellness Lunch & Learn program will be on Friday, April 19th from 12 PM – 1:30 PM in the Mary Greer Room (Hodges Library, Room 258)
    • Samantha and Michelle are working on the surveys
    • Megan is the designated tech person; she has already communicated with the panelists and moderators– confirmed set up for tomorrow.
    • Send out an All Staff email.
    • Resource List Update (Samantha Ward)
      • Printed copies for people who show up in person to the event.
      • Able to send out an e-copy of resource list for people after the event.
      • Put the resource list on the website.
        • Make a QR code able to retrieve it digitally. 
        • Megan and Michelle can work on it together.
  1. BE Committee Retreat
  • Date
    • Decided on Thursday, May 23rd (70%) 
  • Location
    • International House, Great Room (55%)
    • Need to reserve ASAP
  • Activity for 9:30 AM Ideas
    • Everyone is given a blow-up balloon and a tooth-pick. In 30 minutes, try to protect your own balloon and to burst others’ balloons with the tooth-pick. Who still has her/his balloon at the end is the winner.
    • Show and tell of something that’s meaningful to us, brings us joy, etc. 
    • Two Truths and a Lie
    • Team Building Activity – get to know your neighbor. Everyone brings one interesting fact or something about them no one knows and writes in on a notecard. Everyone then guesses whose interesting fact that is and answers are revealed at the end.
    • We could all make a Zine using paper, markers, etc. (homemade magazine with self expression content)
    • Take a quick personality test.
  • Human Bingo
    • Would be more engaging if it required to talk to other people.
    • Suggestion: Do Tyler’s sticky notes activity instead of human bingo.
      • Sticky Note Activity: everyone puts their fact on a card and then all cards are mixed together. Each card is hung up on the wall and everyone must guess each person’s fact.
        • The person with the most correct answers is the winner. (prizes for this activity)
  • Asked them to let us know if they had any ideas for prizes, but no response.
  • Lunch & Vision Board
    • Vision board is created in relation to the entire committee goals and its future.
    • Suggestion: 10:50 is early for lunch; swap it with something later.
      • Switch Leadership Activity 1 with Lunch. Lunch will now be at 11:50.
  • Contingency Planning
    • Consensus that contingency planning is an important topic.
    • Aspects to address:
      • Changes in the university 
      • Create a plan. How do we discuss things going forward and how to make plans to anticipate the future?
      • Better define our role and responsibilities, especially in the context of the university’s decisions on diversity and inclusion.
      • There is not true clarity of what the boundaries are about what you can say and do; we are currently moving cautiously.
        • This places stressors on people.
        • Address the conversation not often talked about: How do you cope and handle the situation when you are in the “political winds of change”?
          • What is a safe space?
          • What resources can I go to?
  • Initially thought about inviting someone in to facilitate this discussion, but we need to have our own conversation first. 
    • Being in person is a good idea for this activity.
    • Suggestion: It would be nice if there are prompts or discussion starters since the conversation can go in multiple many different directions. Need some guard rails or something specific to tackle within the big picture.
  • Identity Circle & Sword & Shield
    • We can take away an activity to focus more time on what we hold more important to us.
    • Suggestion: Combine Sword and Shield & Identity Circle
  • Good activity
  • Suggestion: drop letter to a colleague to do Tyler’s Sticky Notes Activity.
    • Tyler will bring the supplies for this activity. 
    • Are we still doing human bingo? This needs to be discussed.
  • Other
    • Drop ‘Letter to a Colleague’ activity for the retreat and instead complete it at a later meeting. Many people suggested June as it will be time where people would like to take a mental break.
    • Judy cannot make it due to time conflicts with attending conferences.
    • Do not use Aramark or the Student Union for food. Anything else besides those will be fine.

Diversity Action Plan

Learn how the libraries are working to advance access, accountability, an inclusive campus climate, and equity.

large rock painted orange