ETLA Board Minutes
April 12, 2012
UT Pendergrass Ag-Vet Library
Lisa Travis, President, Presiding
Susan Simmons, Immediate Past President
Alison Jones, Treasurer
Martha Earl, Secretary
Ann Viera, Newsletter Editor
I. Welcome: The meeting was convened at 8:35 pm.
II. Approval of Agenda.
III. Minutes from the February 22, 2012 Board Meeting: Martha will distribute these via email later.
IV. Treasurer’s Report: Alison reported that ETLA would reimburse $60 to Andy and $10 to Lisa for program refreshments. Lisa needs an address for the tax form.
V. Old Business
- Programs
A. Alison’s program, “The Mystery of Madam Pince: What We Know, What We Don’t, and Why It Matters,” had 8 attendees, including Executive Board members and 3 guests.
B. Rothrock is scheduled for May 10 at Puleo’s on Merchant’s Drive. Attendees will have a choice of three meal and dessert options. The cost will be $25 per person. The cost includes gratuity. Dr. Steve Smith, UTK Library Director, will be the speaker. The Rothrock announcement will go out in mid-April.
2. Membership
Lisa suggested that membership dues be waived for 2012. The next membership year would be January through December 2013. She suggested sending a letter about dues to members listed on the spreadsheet. The letter will include the ballot regarding the change in membership year by-laws vote. The letter will let the member know whether his or her membership is current and include membership benefits and perhaps a Topie sticker.
3. Nominations for Executive Board
Ann sent the call for nominations and self-nominations for the positions of Vice President/President-Elect, Secretary, and Newsletter Editor.
VI. Next Board meeting date: Lisa suggested a conference call with the date to be determined.
VII. Adjournment at 8:52 pm.