Group Study Area
space typeStudy
Tables that can accommodate groups of 2, 4, or ten. There are soft lounge chairs and booth style seats.
Location Pendergrass
space room Type: Study
space seating capacity Capacity: About 29
space volume Volume: Conversational
space access Access: All

The front seating area is a place for students to work. There is a variety of seats, including lounge chairs and individual tables. This space hosts the leisure reading collection and course reserves.

group seating area at pendergrass library university of tennessee Rectangular table with lounge chairs and booth seating Rectangular table with lounge chairs and booth seating Tables that can accommodate groups of 2, 4, or ten. There are soft lounge chairs and booth style seats. Table in the group study area that can seat up to ten people
group seating area at pendergrass library university of tennessee Rectangular table with lounge chairs and booth seating Rectangular table with lounge chairs and booth seating Tables that can accommodate groups of 2, 4, or ten. There are soft lounge chairs and booth style seats. Table in the group study area that can seat up to ten people