

Music E-Resources

Search online dictionaries and encyclopedias. Find journal articles and reviews. Search library catalogs. Look up musical terms or people. Locate scores.

BrowZine for Music Journals

Browse popular music journals for full-text articles available at UT. BrowZine journals open to the latest edition, but drop-downs on the sidebar allow access to previous years.

Listen/Watch: Streaming Services

Listen to different genres and music from around the world. Watch a full opera production. Create playlists of your favorite tracks.

Music Research Guides By Area

Our research guides to topics in your specific area of study include call number ranges, suggested items, professional web resources, and much more!

Indexes to Local Resources

Includes: Song Index, Analysis Index, Knoxville Symphony Program Index, and a link to the Aebersold Jazz Index.

Use the Song Index to find the words and music for over 50,000 songs in 15,000 collections of songs in the Music Library. The Analysis Index can help you find analyses, descriptions, and program notes for musical compositions in the Music Library book collection.

Music Library Services

Check out a book. Listen to a recording. Borrow from another library.
Look at our Music Library Equipment LibGuide to find needed equipment.