Knoxville Symphony Orchestra Program Notes Index

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Knoxville Symphony Orchestra Program Notes Index

Physical copies of Knoxville Symphony Orchestra programs are in the stacks: ML42.K5. Our collection begins with the 13th Season and continues to the present. An index for Seasons 13-30 is in the 30th Season volume. Current programs can be found in the current periodicals section of the Reference Room.

Indexing for Seasons 1-5 and 31-77 can be accessed through the links below. Covering the years 1935-1940 and 1965-2012, the information includes the season, date of the performance, composer, title of composition, and the author of the program notes. The entries are arranged in chronological order. Use FIND IN PAGE in your browser to search for individual authors or titles. For convenience, these entries can also be found by composer and title in the UT Analysis Index.

Click on the date in which you are interested.

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