UT Libraries E-Forum: Library Special Collections in a Digital World

Yale University Librarian Alice Prochaska to discuss modern uses of rare books

Join the UT Libraries for the next e-Forum, on Tuesday, March 28 when Alice Prochaska, University Librarian at Yale University, presents Library Special Collections in a Digital World. The lecture will be held at 3:30 pm in room 605 of Hodges Library and is free and open to the public. Refreshments will be served.

Rare books, manuscripts and archives were once the hidden treasures of libraries. Today, thanks to digitization and other technological advances, these materials more accessible than ever before. But how can faculty integrate these important materials into classroom teaching and learning? Prochaska will discuss this and other issues related to special collections materials in the modern library.

Alice Prochaska earned a BA and PhD in Modern History at the University of Oxford and began her career as museum curator and archivist. From 1992-2001 she worked as Director of Special Collections at the British Library, where she supervised the library’s program to digitize unique and rare materials and improve electronic finding aids. Now leading one of the greatest research libraries in the world, she will share her vision for bringing special collections to light.

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