Melrose Street Closure

Depending on the details in getting the final contract signed, Melrose Street will be closed next week probably starting on Monday for repaving. The closure will be from in front of Hess Hall down to where the Melrose Street that runs between Tyson House and Hodges Library. Lot 12 will remain open during that time, and you can access it by taking Volunteer Boulevard to Melrose Street, going up that and turning into the lot using the entry that faces Tyson House.

Work is expected to take one week for completion, with an absolute deadline of August 3rd. Although the road and sidewalks will be closed, access to the library will not be impeded.

The construction equipment and dumpster in front of the library will be moved down onto the bike lane on Melrose and will not be replaced after the section of Melrose has been repaved.

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