Commons Progress Update from Rita Smith

If you have walked around the 2nd floor lately, it will probably be no surprise that the renovations will not be completed by the beginning of fall semester or even by the September 3rd date that was in the contract. Commons South and North and Room 245 areas will remain closed. 

 It is a complex project and delays do happen when dealing with infrastructure like lights, ceiling, electrical and networking issues. But I know it is going to be worth waiting for. Today at the construction progress meeting I came away with some estimates on when various areas may be ready.  These are estimates and can change quickly if something doesn’t work out the way it has been planned or plans have to be changed as the construction progresses.  

 We are expecting that the new Circulation front service desk area and back staff office area could be ready to move into — that is furniture installed and staff moved back in— by the last week of August.  That is pretty good news.

 Commons North and the first floor areas in Room 170 and 171 could be ready for occupancy by mid-September.  

 Commons South including room 245 most likely will be ready for occupancy by early October.   

 In the meantime we are preparing to offer library and OIT services normally located in the Commons and room 245 in other locations.  Library and OIT service managers met last week to work on those plans.  Circulation services, the Studio, and the OIT Help Desk will remain in their current temporary locations until they can move into their new spaces.  Most computer access will be provided in the first floor reference room and we do have 75 laptops for check out. Staff whose offices are not completed will remain in faculty studies throughout the building.   More specific information will be communicated next week when we work out all the details. 

 Thank you for your continued patience during the project.  And please let me know if you have questions. 

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