Estimated completion dates

Circulation Service area and staff work area
Friday, August 24 – begin furniture installation
Friday, September 7 – punch list walk thru with architects, contractor, and fire marshal
Monday, September 10 – Staff move in contingent upon CO (certificate of occupation) issue by fire marshal

Commons North
Friday, September 7-punch list walk thru with architects, contractor, and fire marshal
Monday, September 10 –Furniture installation begins
Staff move in when above is complete and then open services contingent upon CO (certificate of occupation) issue by fire marshal

Commons South
Friday, September 14 – punch list walk thru with architects, contractor, and fire marshal
Tuesday, September 18 – Furniture installation begins
Staff move in when above is complete and then open services contingent upon CO (certificate of occupation) issue by fire marshal

Commons “Southwest” — Staff office area and former room 245 areas
Wednesday, September 19 -punch list walk thru with architects, contractor, and fire marshal
Monday, September 24 – Furniture installation begins
Staff move in when above is complete contingent upon CO (certificate of occupation) issue by fire marshal

First floor: rooms 170 (future DMS) room 171 (DPS)
Wednesday, September 19 – punch list walk thru with architects, contractor, and fire marshal
Monday, September 24, Staff move back in contingent upon CO (certificate of occupation) issue by fire marshal

Study Lounge behind Starbucks, Melrose entry, and Mary Greer Room:
Work will being in study lounge on September 4 and in the Melrose and Mary Greer room as soon as the staff are moved out of the area and back into Circulation area.

Estimated completion no later than September 28.

Digital Media Services area
Work will begin in October with completion date TBD.

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