Commons South Reopens

Commons South reopened today! The space filled with students minutes after the yellow “Caution” tape came down.

The new Commons South houses dozens and dozens of computer workstations. Commons South is also a center for group work, with eleven new and spacious group study rooms and five work areas featuring media:scape™ furnishings that allow students to walk up, plug in their own laptops, and confer on group projects. Black-and-white, color, and wireless printing are all available in Commons South.

With both Commons North and Commons South now open, all computing services are conveniently located along a north-south axis, clearly visible from the east end of the second floor galleria. On the north end of the axis are the OIT Help Desk (Net IDs & passwords, email, MYUTK), Computer Support (internet access, viruses & spyware) and Lab Services. Commons South hosts Desktop Support (computer and printing issues), the Studio (media production), and — as of 7 a.m. tomorrow (Wednesday) — equipment checkout.

And . . . a hallway that bisects the line of service desks leads directly from Commons South into Starbucks!


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