Music Library in New Space this Fall

MusicLibrary2Students and lovers of music are invited to visit the new home of the George F. DeVine Music Library. The music library occupies a small, but lovely space on the ground floor of the Natalie L. Haslam Music Center (1741 Volunteer Blvd.), the new home of the UT School of Music. Librarians Nathalie Hristov and Chris Durman — with the help of a few staff and student workers — offer specialized expertise to music students and faculty at our campus’ smallest branch library. Both librarians are also musicians: Nathalie a cellist who loves playing chamber music, and Chris a guitarist with a love of American folk and popular music. In counterpoint to the string section are the talents of staff supervisors Sarah Nelson (clarinetist) and Josh Aldorisio (percussionist).


MusicLibrary3The music library provides high quality music collections, information, and research assistance to all UT students, staff, and faculty, as well as to members of the local community and researchers in remote locations. The library’s website ( offers 24/7 access to electronic collections, databases, and catalogs. Onsite, books, scores, and other print resources are housed in new compact shelving.

The Natalie L. Haslam Music Center also houses eight technology-enhanced classrooms; fifty-six practice rooms; fifty-seven performance studios/academic offices; an organ studio; a 412-seat recital hall; a recording/mixing lab; computer, electronic music, and piano labs; and an academic tutoring center. The School of Music is now an All-Steinway School, a designation meaning that at least 90 percent of its pianos are Steinway-designed instruments. The DeVine Music Library is an excellent complement to this enhanced setting for music education.

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