What you need to know: Pendergrass Library relocation

Pendergrass Library is closing May 8 due to construction. Pendergrass services will be available in Brehm Animal Science Room 243 (Computer Lab), as well as virtually through chat and email from May 11 to the end of construction.  View our maps of how to get to Brehm and where to find the computer lab.

What you need to do by Friday, May 8: Check out any paper books or journals from the Pendergrass stacks you will need this summer. Due date will be at the end of summer.

What to do if you need access to the Pendergrass collection AFTER May 8: Use Interlibrary Services to request books and journals or anything else not available electronically.

Electronic books and journals will still be available through the library website.

Where will help be located for veterinary medicine and statistics? Veterinary medicine librarian Ann Viera and statisticians Ann Reed / Xiaocun Sun will be working from office A301 B5 on the third floor of the vet building.

Where is A301 B5? From the vet school’s main entrance adjacent to the Pendergrass Library entrance, take the stairs in the center of the room up to the 3rd floor.  Take an immediate left and enter the suite of offices to find A301 B5.  View our map to help locate the office.

Where will large format and 3D printing and other library services and staff be located? Starting May 11, 2nd floor of Brehm Animal Science, across the hall from the Computer Lab (Room 243).

When will the library re-open? The relocation is expected to last throughout the summer term.

Will I be able to get into the library? No. During construction, Pendergrass stacks / paper collections will be wrapped and inaccessible. Only the construction crew will be allowed in the library.  Library services, computers, and study space will be available in 243 Brehm.

What is happening and why: As part of the renovation of the Veterinary Medical Center Building, Pendergrass Library services will temporarily relocate to Brehm to allow replacement of the HVAC system.

Pendergrass will reopen at the start of the Fall semester or whenever the construction is completed. More information can be found here: libguides.utk.edu/pendergrassconstruction

We remain dedicated to providing library services to students, staff and faculty. Please do not hesitate to contact us with questions or concerns:


Peter Fernandez
Subject librarian for Agricultural Sciences & Natural Resources

Ann Viera
Subject librarian for Veterinary Medicine

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