Training Day at the Library, 10/27: SAGE Research Methods

sage_researchmethodsSAGE Publishing creates many research tools tailored to the needs of university students and faculty. SAGE Research Methods databases include resources that can help graduate students design their research, including sample case studies that reveal how research methods are chosen and practice datasets to help investigators hone their data analysis skills. Research Methods databases are equally useful to faculty who want to teach research design. Watch a video about SAGE Research Methods.


Teaching Research Methods and Advising Student Researchers (for faculty, librarians, and staff)

  • 9:40 – 10:55 a.m., Hodges Room 127
  • 2:10 – 3:25 p.m., Hodges Room 127
  • SAGE Research Methods has content to cover the full research methods and statistics curriculum, plus a number of built-in tools to help faculty incorporate content into their courses or to work with students they are advising. In this workshop, you will learn how to create and share custom Reading Lists for courses or individual students, use case studies to frame class discussions or help students choose the appropriate methods for their project, find sample datasets to use as classroom assignments or exam questions that are already optimized for student use, and effectively incorporate into your courses video content showing research in action. You will also see a sneak peek of Project Planner, a new tool coming to the SAGE Research Methods platform in 2017 that will guide researchers step-by-step through the research process with hand-selected instructional content.

    Research Methods Survival Skills (for graduate students)

  • 11:10 a.m. – 12:25 p.m., Hodges Room 127
  • 3:40 – 4:55 p.m.. Hodges Room 127
  • Get the tips and tricks you need to survive the graduate school experience, culminating in your thesis or dissertation. Representatives from SAGE Publishing will share resources to get you all the way from choosing a topic you can live with for a few years to a successful defense in front of your committee. In this workshop, you will learn about:

    • Video to help narrow your topic selection
    • Content to get you successfully through the literature review
    • Research case studies to aid in methods selection
    • Sample data to hone your analytical techniques before analyzing your own data
    • Advice on forming and working with your committee
    • Writing tips
    • Presentation skills to help you nail the defense

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