Holiday Hours

The John C. Hodges Library will maintain its Fall Semester hours through Friday, December 11, and the George F. DeVine Music Library through Monday, December 7. Pendergrass Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine Library will maintain Fall Semester hours through Monday, December 14, to accommodate the extended finals schedule of the School of Veterinary Medicine.

Construction of a new Teaching and Learning Center on the Agriculture Campus will necessitate a power outage and temporary shut-down of the Pendergrass Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine Library beginning December 16 and lasting up to a week. During that time, Pendergrass Library will be unable to fulfill any requests for scan-on-demand or loans of physical items.

Over the Winter Break, access to University Libraries buildings will be restricted to library faculty and staff. 

However, except for university holidays (December 21–25 and January 1) — we are still available to assist with your research needs and provide hold-for-pickup and scan-on-demand services. Connect with us through the Chat button on our website ( or via phone, text, or email.

When using hold-for-pickup, place your request as usual. You will receive a notice when your book has been pulled. Books will be made available for pick-up between 10:00 am and 2:00 pm on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Items will be checked out to the patron(s) and left on a cart in the Melrose entrance vestibule of Hodges Library.

Hodges, DeVine, and Pendergrass libraries will reopen to the public and resume their normal hours for the Spring Semester beginning January 4, 2021.

All library hours are listed at