Teaching Equipment and Spaces

Instructors should be aware of the following resources available in Hodges Library.

Instructional Equipment for Checkout — https://libguides.utk.edu/instructional-equipment

Borrow video cameras, GoPros, tripods, and lighting kits to record lectures, modules for performance-based courses, and more. Instructional equipment is available for checkout at the Public Services Desk on the 2nd floor of Hodges Library. This equipment is provided as a shared resource for the support of teaching and learning.

Teaching Studio

Instructors, including faculty, staff, and GTAs, may reserve room 127, Hodges Library, as a teaching studio to deliver live online lectures or to record lectures for students to watch asynchronously. To learn more or to reserve a teaching studio, visit https://libguides.utk.edu/teaching-studios.

The room is furnished with:

  • Front projection
  • Lapel mic
  • Wall-mounted webcam
  • Instructor podium with touch panel
  • Built-in Mac mini
  • Sony Blu-Ray Player
  • Wolfvision Cynap collaboration software

The eXperience Point Esports Lab

To support curricular initiatives involving gaming design and graphics-intensive projects, UT faculty, lecturers, and graduate teaching assistants may reserve The eXperience Point (XP) coding lab, room 253, Hodges Library at https://adastra.utk.edu.

The XP is outfitted with a 98-inch high-definition panel display and enough powerful Alienware Aurora gaming computers to accommodate a class of 20 students and an instructor. The room is designed to allow students to work in teams, storyboarding on walls wrapped in whiteboards and tackable surfaces and bringing their ideas to life with gaming creation software. Instructors can stream student work onto the digital display for group discussion and feedback.