UT Libraries Sets a Big Orange Goal

Big Orange Give, the University of Tennessee, Knoxville’s annual day of giving, will take place Wednesday, November 10, 2021. The Libraries goal is to reach 150 gifts, which is 19 more gifts than last year. Each gift made to the Libraries helps support every student on campus, as the Libraries continue to meet the needs of UT students both in the hybrid in-person and virtual learning environment. 

Picture of students and staff posing with a larger than life display of the word "Give"

Professor Emeritus of Anthropology William M. Bass has issued a challenge to the Volunteer Community and library lovers near and far: If we reach the goal of 150 gifts, he will generously contribute $10,000 to the Libraries. 

Last year, library lovers showed their Vol Spirit by giving an extraordinary $34,779 in 24 hours. These generous gifts proved how vital the Libraries are to the success of every student on Rocky Top. Much of these funds went to student support, programming, and outreach.

The campaign will be driven primarily through the Big Orange Give campaign website and UT Libraries’ social media channels. Follow along on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram for updates throughout the day.

Those wishing to participate in the Big Orange Give may give online on November 10, 2021. All gifts are 100 percent tax-deductible and many employers match gifts. Additional information on this year’s day of giving is available here.