CCAC Alternatives to Animals in Research microsite

High quality information about the three Rs from the Canadian Council on Animal Care.

From the site:

CCAC Three Rs Microsite

“Welcome to the Canadian Council on Animal Care (CCAC) Three Rs Microsite.

Call for Feedback

The CCAC welcomes comments or suggestions about any part of this microsite (email We are also actively looking for the following:

  1. examples of alternatives methods used in research – if you have published or know of a published paper that uses a Replacement, Reduction or Refinement alternative method, please let us know; and
  2. information on unusual species used in science.

The use of animals in research, teaching, and testing is acceptable ONLY if it promises to contribute to understanding of fundamental biological principles, or to the development of knowledge that can reasonably be expected to benefit humans or animals. Therefore, in Canada people involved with the use of animals in science (such as investigators, technicians, veterinary personnel and animal care committee members) must prepare and review scientific protocols with a view to replace, reduce, and refine animal use whenever possible. This is the concept of “The Three Rs” (replacement, reduction, refinement) which provides a set of guiding ethical principles that help to minimize harms to animals used in science.”