Entrance to Pendergrass Library Has Moved

Beginning December 9, 2020 the entrance to Pendergrass Library has moved to accommodate the construction of the College of Veterinary Medicine’s Teaching and Learning Center.

Users of the library will be directed to Pendergrass Library via River Drive, the street that runs parallel to Neyland Drive and the Tennessee River. Along River Drive, there will be signs that direct library users through an alley and pedestrian gate (between Pendergrass Library and the College of Veterinary Medicine’s Small Animal Clinic). This entrance will lead into the back entry of the library’s foyer.

Please visit the Teaching and Learning Center guide for a map with of the new entry route, library hours, and more information regarding Pendergrass’s services and spaces.

The new Teaching and Learning Center will provide much-needed classroom, instructional laboratory, and informal gathering space for the UT Institute for Agriculture’s College of Veterinary Medicine. Expected completion date is January 2022. More information regarding the project is available from UT Facilities Services.

For any questions or assistance, please contact the staff at Pendergrass Library at:

Phone: 865-974-7338

Text: 865-320-9885

Email: agvetlib@utk.edu

Chat: lib.utk.edu/agvet/chat

Map of new entrance to Pendergrass library