Your artwork or photo mash-up can win cash

The UT Libraries is holding two contests that offer cash awards. The STUDENT ART IN THE LIBRARY juried exhibition seeks drawings, graphic design, prints, photography, paintings — any two-dimensional work — for display. Selected works will be on display in 135 Hodges Library throughout the spring semester. The top three works get cash prizes ($300, … Continued

Who will star in the library’s poster? Get out the vote!

Who will star in the library’s poster? It’s up to you. Visit our Facebook page ( and register your vote. The student with the most “likes” will star in the UT Libraries’ next “READ” poster. Voting begins Tuesday, Jan. 21, and continues until midnight, Tuesday, Jan. 28. Watch our Facebook page for an announcement on … Continued

Street Fair and free pizza at library, Wed. 1/15

Start 2014 right at the library’s New Year’s Resolutions Street Fair and Pizza Panel, Wednesday, January 15, at Hodges Library. Pizza Panel: Communicating and Interacting with Professors, Advisors, Librarians, and Other Campus Academic Support 12:30-1:30 pm Mary E. Greer Room, 258 Hodges Library Ask questions and get tips on how to build relationships with faculty … Continued

The University of Tennessee Joins HathiTrust

The University of Tennessee, Knoxville has become the newest member of HathiTrust (, a partnership of major academic and research libraries collaborating in an extraordinary digital library initiative to preserve and provide access to the published record in digital form. Launched in 2008, HathiTrust has a growing membership currently comprising more than eighty partners. Over … Continued

Spreading “Sunshine” to stressed-out students

Finals are winding down, but there are still plenty of stressed-out students in the library working feverishly to prepare for those last exams. Luckily, therapy dogs from HABIT (Human Animal Bond in Tennessee) will be at the John C. Hodges Library every day this week to help students decompress between exams. One of those dogs … Continued

During final exams: longer hours and “de-stress” activities

During finals, campus libraries will be open additional hours and will offer activities to help students “de-stress.” De-Stress For Success activities are co-sponsored by the Graduate Student Senate, Student Assessment of Instruction System, and the Safety, Environment, and Education Center. EXTENDED HOURS Hodges Library: All floors of Hodges Library will be open continuously from noon, … Continued