University of Tennessee Signs Compact for Open-Access Publishing Equity (COPE)

The University of Tennessee, Knoxville (UT) has proclaimed support for open-access publishing of journal articles by signing the Compact for Open-Access Publishing Equity (COPE). UT is the eighteenth institution to join a roster of signatories that includes Harvard, Duke, Sloan-Kettering, and other preeminent research institutions. Open-access publishing is an alternative to the prevailing business model … Continued

Library Guru to Speak: “It’s Time to Think BIGGER”

Library guru/blogger/technology expert Carl Grant will speak at the UT Libraries on the challenges facing academic libraries. His theme at the talk on Monday, April 8, at 10:00 a.m. in the Hodges Library auditorium will be “Budgets, staffing and collections getting smaller? It’s time to think BIGGER.” The campus community and the public are invited. … Continued

Dean Hires “A New Breed of Leadership”

UT dean of libraries Steve Smith today announced a sweeping reorganization of the Libraries’ executive staff. Amid rumors of fractiousness and insubordination in the administrative suite, Smith has fired and replaced the Libraries’ three former associate deans. Smith characterizes his newly hired team of associate deans as “a new breed of leadership for the UT … Continued

Re-imagine the Library With Us

Dennis Clark will speak to the campus community on the topic “Re-imagining Library Services” on Monday, March 18, 10:00 a.m. in the Hodges Library auditorium. Clark is Associate University Librarian for Public Services at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU), the largest research university in Virginia. Clark’s involvement in the design of a $50 million library addition … Continued

Free Range Video Contest Now Accepting Entries

Students, faculty, staff: Create a short video documentary (or mockumentary, if you prefer) and enter the library’s Free Range Video Contest. Registration closes March 22, and entries are due April 2. The Studio in the Hodges Library Commons is sponsoring the contest. Pioneering documentary maker John Grierson defined the documentary as “the creative interpretation of … Continued

Student Art Winners Announced

Winners of the spring 2013 Student Art in the Library juried exhibition have been announced. The UT Libraries has been holding Student Art in the Library contests since 2005. The contest is open to UT students in all disciplines, and is judged by a committee of library staff. This semester the committee received 97 entries … Continued

University of Tennessee Libraries joins community-driven project to found Library Publishing Coalition

The University of Tennessee Libraries, in collaboration with more than 50 other academic libraries and the Educopia Institute, has joined a two-year project (2013-2014) to create the Library Publishing Coalition (LPC). As one of the founding institutions, the UT Libraries will play an integral role in the design and implementation of the LPC. Academic libraries … Continued

Have a question? Now you can text us!

There’s a new way to get research assistance at the UT Libraries: texting. The library has added texting to the many ways that students and other researchers can reach a librarian. Now, library users can text as well as chat, email, phone, or get help in-person. Text your brief library or research question to 865-383-1323. … Continued

De-Stress for Success during Finals Week

Students: take a well-deserved break from final exams, refresh and recharge at the Library! The UT Libraries will once again offer finals week activities to help students De-Stress for Success. Begin with a “Chill Out Study Break.” UT’s Student Assessment of Instruction System will offer free popsicles from noon to 2 p.m., Wednesday, December 5, … Continued