Hodges Library Commons to Open at the End of the Month

Students will have more group study spaces, improved video and sound editing rooms, expanded academic support, and additional access to Starbucks when the Hodges Library Commons reopens at the end of this month. The Commons, which encompasses the second floor of the library, has been under renovation since the summer. The updated space will feature … Continued

UT Libraries Welcomes Diversity Librarian Residents

The University of Tennessee, Knoxville Libraries welcomes two librarians to post-graduate internships this month. Sojourna Cunningham and Ingrid Ruffin will be the UT Libraries’ fifth team of Diversity Librarian Residents, a program initiated in 2002. During a two-year internship, residents have the opportunity to work in several areas of the library and take part in … Continued

Hodges Library Open More Hours

The Hodges Library is now open even more hours. Sunday-through-Friday, round-the-clock hours — which formerly applied only to the second floor — have been extended to all floors of Hodges Library. In addition, the entire building will remain open until midnight on Friday and Saturday nights. These hours will be in effect throughout the fall … Continued

Student Art in the Library — call for submissions

[clear] The library wants to display your work. The Student Art in the Library contest awards a First Prize of $300 and a Second Prize of $150. Submission deadline for the Fall 2012 contest is September 21. If you create any particularly inspired works this summer, keep in the mind the Student Art in the … Continued

Life of the Mind

Freshmen arriving on the UT campus confront their first intellectual challenge on the day before classes begin. Each year, the Life of the Mind freshman reading program selects a book to be read and discussed by all incoming freshmen. The common reading selection for the Class of 2016 is Eric Liu’s The Accidental Asian: Notes … Continued

Website Helps STEM High School Students

Librarians at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville are linking STEM students to some useful online resources. Knoxville’s new STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) high school opened in the fall of 2011 in the former L&N Railroad station on World’s Fair Park. The L&N STEM Academy is committed to using the latest technology to prepare … Continued

New Digital Collections: UT Theatre Playbills and a Student Magazine

The University of Tennessee, Knoxville Libraries announces two new digital collections. Theatre playbills and an early student publication drawn from the University Archives are the newest digital collections available on the UT Libraries’ website at www.lib.utk.edu/digitalcollections. UT THEATRE PLAYBILLS. The University of Tennessee Theatre Playbills Collection showcases the history of theatre at the University of … Continued

Libraries Undergoing Renovations

The UT, Knoxville campus is dotted with signs featuring Smokey in a hard hat and warnings of “Renovations Ahead!” There’s so much construction underway, that UTK has become a “cone zone.” The library is no exception. Renovations are underway to the John C. Hodges Main Library and to the Music Library’s temporary home in the … Continued

Christopher Hebert to be Writer-in-Residence at UT Libraries

Christopher Hebert will be Jack E. Reese Writer-in-Residence at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville Libraries for the 2012-2013 academic year. As Writer-in-Residence, Hebert will organize the Writers in the Library series, sponsored by the UT Libraries and the UT Department of English. Writers in the Libraries brings local, regional, and nationally-known authors to the John … Continued

16th Century Bibles at UT Libraries

[clear] A collection of rare pre-King James Bibles now resides at the UT, Knoxville Libraries. The rare Bibles once belonged to a noted Shakespeare scholar. A little over a year ago, the UT Libraries was fortunate to acquire a collection of more than 300 early printed Bibles and other rare books from the collection of … Continued