UT Library Helps Students “De-Stress” During Finals

It’s almost time for final exams, and students are under a lot of stress. The UT libraries are trying to help students relax and recharge. During final exams this Spring Semester, library-sponsored “De-Stress for Success” events will allow students to slow down, take a break from studying, and enjoy some free and fun activities. A … Continued

New Associate Dean of Libraries Supports Online Scholarship

Holly Mercer joins the UT Knoxville Libraries on January 17 as Associate Dean for Scholarly Communication and Research Services. She will oversee the Libraries’ research services, library technology, and digital services. Mercer comes to UT from Texas A&M University, where she served as head of Digital Services and Scholarly Communication. Dean of Libraries Steve Smith … Continued

Historic Tennessee football programs: online!

Volunteer football programs from past years are now online. The Tennessee Football Programs are among the digital collections available on the UT Knoxville Libraries website at www.lib.utk.edu/digitalcollections. The collection includes programs and guides for home games and postseason games. Visitors to the website can browse by Year, Coach, Guides, or Postseason. The Tennessee Volunteers have … Continued

Library Announces New Administrative Positions

Two library faculty have assumed new positions within the University of Tennessee Libraries. Dean of Libraries Steven Escar Smith announces the following reorganization of the library’s administrative suite. Rita Smith is now Executive Associate Dean of Libraries. Her new portfolio includes responsibility for the dean’s office staff, communications, human resources, the business office, library facilities, … Continued

Botanist’s Photographs Available Online

A digital collection of over a thousand photographs of trees, flowers, mosses, ferns and other plants is now available on the University of Tennessee Libraries’ website. THE BOTANICAL PHOTOGRAPHY OF ALAN S. HEILMAN was digitized from color-film photographs taken over more than sixty years by Alan S. Heilman, retired professor of Botany at the University … Continued

Associate Dean of Libraries Linda Phillips Announces Retirement

Linda L. Phillips, Alumni Distinguished Service Professor and Associate Dean of Libraries, announces her retirement from the University Libraries. Phillips served as interim dean of libraries during the 2010-2011 academic year. Phillips began her 35-year career at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville Libraries as head of reference in the Hodges Undergraduate Library (UGL), which closed … Continued

SOUTHERN MANUSCRIPT SERMONS BEFORE 1800 available in both book and database form

Scholars of colonial America have a new tool for researching religious thought in the Southern colonies. Southern Manuscript Sermons before 1800: A Bibliography, edited by Michael A. Lofaro, is now available in both book and database form. Newfound Press has published the bibliography as a book, available at newfoundpress.utk.edu for online viewing or for print-on-demand. … Continued