UT Libraries Adds its 3-Millionth Volume, A Cherokee Spelling Book

The University of Tennessee Libraries now boasts a collection of 3-million volumes. The university community and Library Friends gathered to celebrate the Libraries’ 3-millionth-volume milestone at an event in the John C. Hodges Library on the evening of March 26. The volume chosen to represent the 3-millionth-volume benchmark in the Libraries’ history is TSVLVKI SQCLVCLV, … Continued

Welcoming New Librarians

The UT Libraries welcomes three new librarians: Diversity Librarian Residents Rabia Gibbs and Kynita Stringer-Stanback and our new Archivist, Alesha Shumar. Rabia Gibbs and Kynita Stringer-Stanback will be our fourth team of Diversity Librarian Residents, a program initiated in 2002. During a two-year internship, residents have the opportunity to work in several areas of the … Continued

Smoky Mountain Photos in UT’s Thompson Brothers Digital Collection

The UT Libraries’ Thompson Brothers Digital Photograph Collection has been expanded to include several hundred more historic photos of the Great Smoky Mountains. The images in the Thompson Brothers Digital Photograph Collection are the work of Jim and Robin Thompson, prominent photographers in Knoxville, Tennessee in the 1920s through ’40s and pioneering photographers of the … Continued

Libraries Closed for Winter Break

All libraries will be closed for the university’s Winter Break. Hodges Main Library (including the Commons) will close at 6:00 PM on Thursday, December 24, 2009 and will reopen at 7:30 AM on Monday, January 4, 2010. Except for the week of Winter Break, all libraries will be open on a reduced schedule during the … Continued

View Tennessee history and culture through Volunteer Voices

Over the course of three years, the Volunteer Voices project gathered documents and images for a digital collection available to teachers, scholars and individuals interested in Tennessee’s history and culture. Over 100 of Tennessee’s libraries, archives, museums and historical homes contributed more than 10,000 items to the digital collection, available at volunteervoices.org. To learn more … Continued

UT Community Invited to Contribute Scholarly, Creative Work to New Electronic Publishing Service

The University of Tennessee Libraries announces the launch of Trace: Tennessee Research and Creative Exchange (trace.tennessee.edu), a digital repository which will expand access to the university’s intellectual capital and help preserve the creative work of its scholars and researchers. Open access services like Trace provide free online access to scholarly work and apply tags that … Continued

UT Libraries host the 2009 SPARKY Awards

The SPARKY Awards challenges you to illustrate in a short video presentation what you see as the value of sharing information. Use your imagination to suggest what good comes from bringing down barriers to the free exchange of information. Timeline: • Submissions due by October 2, 2009. • Judges receive DVDs October 7, 2009. • … Continued