UT Libraries’ history recorded in latest Library Development Review

The 2005-2006 Library Development Review is now available. This year’s issue chronicles the history of the libraries and helps celebrate some amazing milestones–the 20th anniversary of the remodeled John C. Hodges Library, the 75th anniversary of the James D. Hoskins Library opening–as well as many other anniversaries. From a few hundred volumes available to the … Continued

UT Libraries’ history recorded in latest Library Development Review

The 2005-2006 Library Development Review is now available. This year’s issue chronicles the history of the libraries and helps celebrate some amazing milestones–the 20th anniversary of the remodeled John C. Hodges Library, the 75th anniversary of the James D. Hoskins Library opening–as well as many other anniversaries. From a few hundred volumes available to the … Continued

Love Your Library–Keep it Clean!

The entire Hodges Library building is open 24-hours during finals to provide students with extra study space during the exam period. Please respect your library by helping us to keep it clean! No one wants to use a sticky keyboard or sit at a crumb-laden table. We also don’t want to attract cockroaches, mice, and … Continued

Love Your Library–Keep it Clean!

The entire Hodges Library building is open 24-hours during finals to provide students with extra study space during the exam period. Please respect your library by helping us to keep it clean! No one wants to use a sticky keyboard or sit at a crumb-laden table. We also don’t want to attract cockroaches, mice, and … Continued

Need Study Space at Finals Time? Try Hodges Library!

The University Libraries offer study space, extended hours during finals Students who need a quiet nook for cramming or a room for a group study session need look no further than Hodges Library. Hodges Library has become the go-to place for many students seeking a place to work on projects or cram for exams. Because … Continued

UT Libraries Dean Elected to ARL Board of Directors

Barbara Dewey to serve on the Association of Research Libraries’ governing board Barbara Dewey, Dean of Libraries at the University of Tennessee, was elected to the Board of Directors of the Association of Research Libraries at their October membership meeting. The Association of Research Libraries (ARL) is a nonprofit organization of 123 research libraries in … Continued

Calling All Student Artists: Show off your talent at the UT Libraries

The University of Tennessee Libraries invites all student artists to submit their work to the Student Art in the Library juried exhibition. The exhibit is open to all undergraduate and graduate students currently enrolled at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Only 2-dimensional works, such as drawing, graphic design, printmaking, photography, ceramics or painting, are featured. … Continued

Library of Congress online survey

The Library of Congress wants to gain a better understanding of who its patrons are, what services they use, and the quality and value of those services. If you are a user of the Library of Congress, either on site or via the Web, please take a few minutes to give them your feedback using … Continued