UT Libraries Associate Dean to Retire

Aubrey Mitchell will retire after 42 years of service on August 31 Aubrey Mitchell first came to work at the University of Tennessee Libraries as a student assistant in 1958. He earned $.75 an hour. On Thursday, August 31, 2006 Mitchell will retire from the libraries from his position as Associate Dean. He has been … Continued

UT Librarian a True “Vol”

UT Librarian Felicia Felder Hoehne was honored by Knox County Mayor Mike Ragsdale on July 25 at the rededication of Spring Place Park in East Knoxville. Hoehne was the lead Park Vols volunteer for the park, and Mayor Ragsdale presented her with a bench commemorating her contributions to the park’s redevelopment. She is pictured left … Continued

UT Librarian a True “Vol”

UT Librarian Felicia Felder Hoehne was honored by Knox County Mayor Mike Ragsdale on July 25 at the rededication of Spring Place Park in East Knoxville. Hoehne was the lead Park Vols volunteer for the park, and Mayor Ragsdale presented her with a bench commemorating her contributions to the park’s redevelopment. She is pictured left … Continued

Attention Scholars: Is Your Research Findable on the Web?

“Off the Page and Onto the Web” is a new series of essays that explore scholarly publishing at UT, written by Linda Behrend, Collection Development Librarian at the University of Tennessee Libararies. The essays deal with the changes in the way scholarship is produced and disseminated, including non-traditional ways using the Internet and World Wide … Continued

Russian Librarians Visit UT Libraries

Emerging Russian leaders study American libraries Five librarians from diverse areas of the Russian Federation visited the University of Tennessee Libraries on July 11 and 13, 2006, as part of the Open World Program. The Open World Program is designed to give emerging Russian leaders a firsthand look at American democracy and civil society. The … Continued

UT Libraries Participate in Leadership Exchange Program

Libraries will host HBCU Librarian The University of Tennessee Libraries is one of five libraries chosen by the Association of Southeastern Research Libraries (ASERL) to participate in a pilot exchange program in June and July of 2006. Funded by a $20,000 grant from the Andrew W. Mellon foundation, the exchange program will provide librarians from … Continued

UT Libraries Career Employee Program Celebrates New Graduates

The Career Employee Program (CEP) at the UT Libraries celebrated its newest graduates last week: Seth Jordan, Linda Flynn, Jayne Rogers and Wanda Rosinski. CEP offers non-exempt employees an opportunity to learn more about librarianship and the field of information science. Participants must have worked for the libraries for at least three years in order … Continued

Login Implemented for Guest Computers in Hodges Library

Effective Monday, May 22, 2006, non-UT affiliated visitors to Hodges Library will use a login account to access the guest computers in the Reference and Instructional Services room. Guest users will have two hours of computer access per day. The guest login account will be assigned at the reference desk and will be good for … Continued

Fun Run Helps Libraries Get Ready for the World

GSS library fundraiser proceeds to support international/intercultural collections Library materials are crucial to graduate-level study and research, which is why the Graduate Student Senate initiated the “Love Your Libraries” 5k Fun Run. This year marked the 14th anniversary of this important charity race. The race raised $5,200 for the purchase of library materials. The proceeds … Continued

Overdue? New Changes in Library Fines Policies

The Good News: No More Fines for Many of Your Overdue Library Materials Regular overdue fines for books, monographs, serials, periodicals and some other items are now a thing of the past. After March 30, the UT Libraries will no longer charge the $.25-a-day fine for most materials that students, faculty and staff keep beyond … Continued