Lunch & Learn: Discussion on Intersectionality, Oct. 19

The UT Libraries Diversity Committee hosts a series of lunchtime discussions to facilitate comfortable dialogue about diversity and inclusion. Lunch and Learn invites students and other members of the campus community to talk openly but respectfully about complex issues that impact their lives and their campus experience. Intersectionality: From Scholarship to Action Noon – 1 … Continued

Conversation on the Future of Research Libraries on Oct. 10

The University Libraries will host a “conversation” on the future of research libraries on Monday, October 10. The Libraries’ guests will be the directors of two graduate programs in library and information science, Sandy Yee and Diane Kelly. Dean of Libraries Steve Smith will moderate the event. The campus community is invited to join the … Continued

Training Day at the Library, 9/27: Gale Researcher; Digital Humanities Sandbox

Learn to use the Libraries’ incredible new suite of digital products. Gale Researcher helps students identify and link to relevant, authoritative sources. Digital Humanities Sandbox facilitates data mining and textual analytics. Gale Cengage Learning will offer a full day of free training sessions on Tuesday, September 27. The training should be of interest to everyone … Continued

Constitution Day, 9/19: Register to Vote; Discuss the 2nd Amendment

Constitution Day celebrates the signing of America’s founding document at Independence Hall in Philadelphia on September 17, 1787. The campus will observe Constitution Day on Monday, September 19. Celebrate by registering to vote at Hodges Library. Voter registration will be conducted in the 2nd floor galleria, 11 am to 2 pm, Monday through Friday for … Continued

Open House for Graduate Students, Aug. 19

Graduate students are invited to an Open House at the library. OPEN HOUSE FOR GRADUATE STUDENTS Friday, August 19 2:00-3:30 pm John C. Hodges Library 2nd floor * Meet your department’s subject librarian and learn more about resources in your field. * Learn how the library supports your research and teaching. * Learn about citation … Continued

Welcome to the UT Libraries

Drop by the library to explore, meet our staff, and find out about all the resources available to you. We have three libraries to serve you: John C. Hodges Library (main library), George F. DeVine Music Library (G4 Natalie L. Haslam Music Center), and the Webster C. Pendergrass Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine Library (A113 Veterinary … Continued

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