Friends: Join Us to Host Graduate Students

Each year the Libraries host an open house specifically for graduate students. It’s a great opportunity for students to meet the librarian for their subject area, learn about the library services that will support them, and get to know library faculty and staff. Last year the Library Friends hosted a table at the open house … Continued

Andersonville Elementary School students are coming to UT to learn what it’s like to be scholars

There’s nothing like good ol’ hands-on, experiential learning to reinforce facts learned in the classroom. That’s why Andersonville Elementary School teachers are bringing their students to the UT campus this week to practice their math skills in real-world settings. On Friday, about 160 third-, fourth-, and fifth-grade students will get a good look at campus, … Continued

Free Range Video Contest: Winning Student Documentaries

Video documentaries by winners of the library’s Free Range Video Contest will be screened on Tuesday, April 16, at 7 p.m. in the Hodges Library auditorium. The public is invited. During the screening, the audience will get a chance to vote live for the audience favorite. Awards will also be made to the top three … Continued

Upcoming Writers in the Library Events

The Libraries and the Creative Writing Program will sponsor two more Writers in the Library readings this semester. Mark your calendars. On Monday, April 15, Writers in the Library will host poets Marilyn Kallet and Keith Norris, 7:00 p.m. in the Hodges Library auditorium. Kallet is director of UT’s Creative Writing Program, and Norris, a … Continued

Library Guru to Speak: “It’s Time to Think BIGGER”

Library guru/blogger/technology expert Carl Grant will speak at the UT Libraries on the challenges facing academic libraries. His theme at the talk on Monday, April 8, at 10:00 a.m. in the Hodges Library auditorium will be “Budgets, staffing and collections getting smaller? It’s time to think BIGGER.” The campus community and the public are invited. … Continued

Adam Prince at Writers in the Library, April 8

Adam Prince will read at UT’s Writers in the Library, Monday, April 8th at 7 p.m. in the John C. Hodges Library auditorium. The reading is free and open to the public. Adam Prince’s first book, a short story collection called The Beautiful Wishes of Ugly Men, is about how men attempt to negotiate between … Continued