National Day on Writing, Oct. 20

Express yourself! The National Day on Writing is Thursday, Oct. 20. Stop by the Hodges Library (Melrose entrance), 11 a.m. – 2 p.m., to tweet “Why I Write,” post to the National Day on Writing Facebook page, browse student-written publications, or create a postcard about writing (English 103 and 104 students get credit for doing … Continued

Digital Publishing, Tenure, and Open Access

“Digital Publishing Models: Faculty Experiences, Tenure, and Open Access” is an open forum to discuss new publishing models and tenure. The forum will feature remarks from Dr. Sarah Gardial, Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs; Dr. Steven Smith, Dean of Libraries; and faculty authors who have experience with innovative publishing models. A question and answer session … Continued

Newfound Press Publishes 17th c. German Picaresque Novels

The University of Tennessee Libraries’ Newfound Press has published English language editions of two works from the 17th century picaresque novels of Hans Jacob Christoffel von Grimmelshausen. The Wondrous Bird’s Nest I, translated from the German by Robert L. Hiller and John C. Osborne, is an adaptation of the 1672 Das wunderbarliche Vogelsnest. The Wondrous … Continued

Botanist’s Photographs Available Online

A digital collection of over a thousand photographs of trees, flowers, mosses, ferns and other plants is now available on the University of Tennessee Libraries’ website. THE BOTANICAL PHOTOGRAPHY OF ALAN S. HEILMAN was digitized from color-film photographs taken over more than sixty years by Alan S. Heilman, retired professor of Botany at the University … Continued

Associate Dean of Libraries Linda Phillips Announces Retirement

Linda L. Phillips, Alumni Distinguished Service Professor and Associate Dean of Libraries, announces her retirement from the University Libraries. Phillips served as interim dean of libraries during the 2010-2011 academic year. Phillips began her 35-year career at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville Libraries as head of reference in the Hodges Undergraduate Library (UGL), which closed … Continued

Library Hosts African American Achievement Showcase

The UT Libraries will host an afternoon of events celebrating the achievements of African American students and faculty at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Music, poetry, displays — and more — are scheduled for Thursday, September 8, 2:00-4:00, in the John C. Hodges Library. Events centered at the Melrose Place entrance (2nd floor) will include … Continued