A Gift of Difference in the Academic Library

Loretta Parham of the Atlanta University Center to discuss diversity in libraries Tuesday, April 11 at 3 pm Room 605, Hodges Library Loretta Parham, Director and Chief Executive Officer of the Robert W. Woodruff Library at the Atlanta University Center, will present A Gift of Difference in the Academic Library at Hodges Library in room … Continued

UT Conference Looks at Growing Latino Population

An ever-growing Latino population is changing the demographic landscape of Tennessee and creating new challenges for professionals, the public sector and communities around the state. The University of Tennessee is teaming up with several groups in the Knoxville community to provide some guidance through a conference, “The New Latino Immigration to Tennessee: Opportunities and Challenges.” … Continued

“Love Your Libraries” 5K Run and Fun Walk, February 25

Race held earlier this year due to UT Men’s Basketball Game The UT Graduate Student Senate continues their tradition of raising funds for the UT Libraries with the 14th annual “Love Your Libraries” 5K run and one-mile fun walk through the heart of the UT campus. The race will occur on Saturday, February 25th. Race … Continued

Resistance: Fall 2005 Documentaries in the Library

For Immediate Release Contact: Sandy Leach 865.974.7922 leach@email.lib.utk.edu http://www.lib.utk.edu University of Tennessee Libraries to host RESISTANCE Film and Discussion Series The Fall 2005 Documentaries in the Library series, Resistance, will focus on documentary films that address the theme of resistance. The University of Tennessee Libraries invites the University and Knoxville community to discuss and discover … Continued

What’s at Hodges Library? Take a Tour and Find Out!

Get ahead this semester by taking a Hodges Library tour before classes start. Tours are held: Thursday August 18 at 4 p.m. Friday, August 19 at 3 p.m. Saturday, August 20 at 2 p.m. Monday, August 22 at 3 p.m. Tuesday, August 23 at 11 a.m. Joining a tour is easy. Meet at the Hodges … Continued

The Film Movement Series

See international and independent films at Hodges Library Moviegoers now have a chance to sample award-winning, first-run independent and international feature films that are unlikely to be screened elsewhere in Knoxville. The UT Libraries’ Film Movement Series will show sixteen films every Tuesday from August 30 to December 13 in the John C. Hodges Library … Continued

Documentary film presentation Argentina: Hope in Hard Times

Presented as part of the Global Studies Association Conference The documentary Argentina: Hope in Hard Times will be shown Saturday, May 14 beginning at 1 p.m. in the Hodges Library Auditorium as part of the Global Studies Association Conference Crosscurrents of Global Social Justice: Class, Gender, and Race. The event is free and open to … Continued

One-man show pays tribute to famed native son

R.B. Morris channels James Agee in The Man Who Lives Here is Loony As part of the James Agee Celebration, the University Libraries’ own writer-in-residence, R.B. Morris, will pay tribute to his fellow Fort Sanders resident in his one-man show The Man Who Lives Here is Loony on April 10 at 7 p.m. and April … Continued