Now showing: Independent and foreign films

Are you tired of the same corporate blockbuster Hollywood movies? The endless onslaught of sequels, reboots, and remakes getting you down? Well you are not alone! Come join Hodges Library in its ongoing monthly screenings of independent and foreign films. Starting Fall semester 2017, Hodges Library has revived its film series highlighting the enormous amount … Continued

Jill Bialosky at Writers in the Library, Feb. 26

*** This event has been rescheduled for February 26. *** On Monday, February 26, poet and editor Jill Bialosky will read as part of UT’s Writers in the Library reading series. Jill Bialosky is the author of four acclaimed collections of poetry, most recently The Players; three critically acclaimed novels, most recently, The Prize; and … Continued

Count This Penny Partners with UT Libraries, Will Perform Nov. 16

Boundless: Artists in the Archives is a newly launched program from the University of Tennessee Libraries. To highlight the unique materials available in UT’s Special Collections and Betsey B. Creekmore Archives, the Libraries will periodically commission a work of art or music inspired by an item or collection in the archives. The Libraries’ first partners in the … Continued