Library Storage Annex: From the Dean’s Viewpoint

Dean of Libraries Steve Smith recently shared his hopes and vision for the new Library Storage Annex—a modern climate-controlled facility that will house special collections materials; the University of Tennessee Archives; the Modern Political Archives; important but little-used items from the general collections; and other library materials that require long-term preservation. Smith anticipates that ground … Continued

Add Mystery to Your Life with Blind Date with a Book

Add a little mystery to your life throughout the month of February with your next blind date…with a book. Visit the book display on the second floor of Hodges Library across from Starbucks. The books are wrapped in brown paper with hints of the story’s plot. Books celebrating Black creators are festooned with ribbons in … Continued

UT Libraries Partners with GPO to Preserve Government Information

UT Libraries is partnering with the US Government Publishing Office to preserve government information in an effort to make it more accessible to the public. UT Libraries is one of three university libraries that have signed memorandum of agreements with the US Government Publishing Office (GPO) to become Preservation Stewards. The other two are the … Continued

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