Letterboxing comes to the UT Libraries

“Ascend the great staircase. Look up at the stars. See Shakespeare, Newton, Dante, and many others in gothic arched glory,” reads part of a clue guiding visitors through UT’s Hoskins Library building. This isn’t just any scavenger hunt, but rather an example of a complicated, eccentric and highly-addictive pursuit called letterboxing. Letterboxing is a kind … Continued

University of Tennessee Special Collections Library acquires rare invitation to Sam Houston’s 1829 wedding

The Special Collections Library at the University of Tennessee recently purchased a copy of an invitation to the sudden January 1829 wedding of then-Tennessee governor Sam Houston and Eliza Allen. This rare item may be only one of its kind. Aaron Purcell, university archivist, discovered the piece on eBay.com and purchased the invitation on February … Continued

University of Tennessee Special Collections Library acquires rare invitation to Sam Houston’s 1829 wedding

The Special Collections Library at the University of Tennessee recently purchased a copy of an invitation to the sudden January 1829 wedding of then-Tennessee governor Sam Houston and Eliza Allen. This rare item may be only one of its kind. Aaron Purcell, university archivist, discovered the piece on eBay.com and purchased the invitation on February … Continued

Special Collections Lecture Series presents: Appalachian Removals and Relocations, Spring 2007

Lecture series will examine the diversity, culture and identity of Appalachia and its inhabitants As part of the University of Tennessee’s Appalachian Celebration, the Special Collections Library is hosting a lecture series entitled Appalachian Removals and Relocations, which will examine the diversity, culture and identity of Appalachia and its inhabitants. Appalachia is a region of … Continued

An 1886 Trip to the Smokies

Photograph collection exhibits Victorian-era Smokies images The Great Smoky Mountains Regional Project is pleased to announce the availability of the William Cox Cochran Great Smoky Mountains Photographic Collection. Cochran, an Ohio lawyer and trustee of Oberlin College, captured the 89 images in this collection while on a trip to East Tennessee in August 1886. The … Continued

Special Collections Library Presents Andrew Jackson Exhibit

Exhibit to Celebrate New Jacksonian-Era Collection During the past year, Tennessee businessman and collector William C. Cook donated his impressive collection of rare books and imprints to the University Libraries and the Center for Jacksonian America. To celebrate this significant donation, the Special Collections Library is presenting an exhibit of materials from the Cook Collection. … Continued

Illinois Man Gives UT the Gift of History

The University of Tennessee has received a unique and valuable gift that traces the school’s roots back to 1870. The donor has no link to the university — just an accidental receipt of a document which most historians thought no longer existed. Robert J. Wegener of McHenry, Ill., is an engineer with a passion for … Continued

Art Exhibit Takes on New Dimension

UT Libraries Arrowmont grant project showcases interactive art gallery Fine art pieces from the Arrowmont School for Arts and Crafts can now be examined, inspected, spun and swiveled from the comfort of your computer. A digital art gallery that provides 360-degree views of art objects was recently unveiled as part of the University of Tennessee … Continued

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