A Conversation with Appalachian Filmmakers

“When I was nine years old, I saw this 48 Hours news program which made sweeping generalizations about people from my region. Like we were all to be pitied.…That show made me feel shame for being from eastern Kentucky.… That TV news program had a lasting impact on me. It was the first time I … Continued

Early Printed Bibles on View during Shakespeare Symposium

The Marco Institute for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, UT’s internationally acclaimed center for the study of the history and culture of the premodern world, will hold its annual symposium on the UT campus March 24–25. The 19th Annual Marco Symposium, titled “The Canon of Shakespeare at 400,” will explore 400 years of Shakespeare since the … Continued

Accessible to All — Resources to Learn More About Disabilities

In Tennessee, 1.6 million individuals with disabilities experience barriers to accessing the same education, housing, transportation, and health care as their peers. The Tennessee General Assembly has proclaimed March 11 to be #DisabilityAdvocacyDayTN, to honor the importance of advocacy in the lives of Tennesseans with disabilities and to improve access to equal opportunities across the … Continued

Financial Hardship and Food Insecurity on Campus: Panel Discussion, March 9

Given the rising cost of obtaining a college degree, it’s no wonder that many college students experience financial hardship — and even food insecurity. The stress of financial pressures inevitably has a detrimental effect on students’ academic performance. To learn about support services available at UT, attend our Lunch and Learn panel discussion on financial … Continued

Share Your UT Libraries Love Story!

By Stacy Palado Did you meet your Valentine at UT Libraries or have another library love story to share? We want to know. Send your UT Libraries love story to spalado@utk.edu.

Libraries’ Jargon Blaster Game Is Live

Jargon Blaster is an 8-bit imitation video game created by Elijah Dies, an instructional programs developer and designer, specifically for UT Libraries. The game, released in early 2023, is designed to give students a fun way to learn library terms and definitions that can be difficult to understand. Dies’ goal with the project was to … Continued

Maggie Longmire to Perform at Boundless: Artists in the Archives

Americana singer/songwriter Maggie Longmire will perform at the John C. Hodges Library on Thursday, March 23, 2023. Her appearance — part of the UT Libraries’ program Boundless: Artists in the Archives — will feature the first public performance of original songs inspired by materials held in UT Libraries’ Betsey B. Creekmore Special Collections and University … Continued

Douglass Day — Join us for a Lecture and Transcribe-a-thon

Douglass Day, celebrated on February 14th, honors America’s great abolitionist, educator, and statesman Frederick Douglass (c. 1817–1895) and encourages us to delve deeper into our country’s complex history of slavery and racism. The University of Tennessee participates in a nationwide Douglass Day initiative that each year focuses on an important figure in Black history. This … Continued

Add Mystery to Your Life with Blind Date with a Book

Add a little mystery to your life throughout the month of February with your next blind date…with a book. Visit the book display on the second floor of Hodges Library across from Starbucks. The books are wrapped in brown paper with hints of the story’s plot. Books celebrating Black creators are festooned with ribbons in … Continued

UT Libraries Partners with GPO to Preserve Government Information

UT Libraries is partnering with the US Government Publishing Office to preserve government information in an effort to make it more accessible to the public. UT Libraries is one of three university libraries that have signed memorandum of agreements with the US Government Publishing Office (GPO) to become Preservation Stewards. The other two are the … Continued