Free Online Language Courses

Ever wish you had the time to learn Chinese? Or brush up your high school French? Thanks to the Libraries’ subscription to Mango Languages, you can take free, self-paced online language courses in more than 70 languages. Or take advantage of courses on medical terminology in Spanish or business idioms in Mandarin Chinese. Create an … Continued

Game Night with Dungeons & Dragons

During fall semester, Hodges Library will host a Game Night the 4th Wednesday of each month — beginning Aug. 28. Drop by Room 209 anytime between 6 p.m. and 11 p.m. for video games, puzzles, board and card games, as well as virtual reality. We will also host Beginner Dungeons and Dragons, 6 p.m. to … Continued

Now showing: Foreign and independent films

Are you tired of the same corporate blockbuster Hollywood movies? The endless onslaught of sequels, reboots, and remakes getting you down? Join us in the Hodges Library auditorium on the first Tuesday of each month for free screenings of independent and foreign films. Practice your language skills and join us for a discussion following each film. … Continued

UT Libraries Helps Launch New Digital Library of Tennessee Portal

The Digital Library of Tennessee (DLTN) committee recently announced the launch of its new research website, making Tennessee one of the first states with a localized portal of the Digital Public Library of America. The Tennessee portal brings together more than 100,000 digital representations of unique cultural heritage artifacts from throughout the state. The University … Continued

Transcripts of James K. Polk’s Final Correspondence Now Online

Letters from the final year of James K. Polk’s presidency are now available online. UT Libraries staff designed the website for the XML-encoded transcriptions. With online publication of this last portion of Polk’s correspondence, UT’s James K. Polk Project nears completion. The James K. Polk Project, based in UT’s Department of History, spent decades locating … Continued

Mango language learning tool now available

The UT Libraries now subscribes to Mango Languages, which offers online language learning through conversations and films. Language courses are accessible from a web browser or an app. Mango Languages features: Over 60 foreign language courses featuring native speakers Over 17 English courses for non-English speakers, targeting essential and necessary dialog Cultural specialty courses such … Continued

Library will drop Rosetta Stone, switch to Mango language learning tool

The UT Libraries is adopting Mango as the online language learning tool for campus users. Mango Languages ( is an interactive learning tool that allows users to learn at their leisure. Mango teaches the basics of conversation in more than 70 languages. The Libraries’ subscription to Rosetta Stone will expire on Friday, May 10. Last … Continued

Lactation Room Now Open in Hodges Library

The UT Libraries is pleased to announce a new lactation room in Hodges Library. Room 255B (behind Starbucks) provides a private and comfortably furnished space for feeding infants or expressing milk. The lactation room is open to all UT Knoxville visitors, students, staff, and faculty and is available all hours the library is open. Location … Continued

SGA Makes Awards to Faculty Who Use Open Resources

The Student Government Association (SGA) held an awards ceremony in Hodges Library on April 25 to recognize UT instructors who use open educational resources (OER) in their courses. Winners of the SGA Open Education Award were selected from instructors nominated by their students. Winning instructors were Alex Bentley from the Department of Anthropology; Donna Bueckman, … Continued

New “Vlog” on Preserving Books and Other Treasures

In her new vlog, Get to the Point in Library Preservation, preservation technician Amanda Richards demonstrates the tools and techniques she uses to make sure the UT Libraries collections will stand the test of time. Amanda offers step-by-step tutorials on techniques — such as sew-ins, book binding, and constructing boxes to house fragile materials — … Continued