Jill Bialosky at Writers in the Library, Feb. 26

*** This event has been rescheduled for February 26. *** On Monday, February 26, poet and editor Jill Bialosky will read as part of UT’s Writers in the Library reading series. Jill Bialosky is the author of four acclaimed collections of poetry, most recently The Players; three critically acclaimed novels, most recently, The Prize; and … Continued

Faculty Chose Open Textbooks, Saved Students over $700,000

Students saving money — and thanking their professors for helping them do so. Instructors feeling more freedom in teaching not to the book but to the subject. Sound interesting? This is just a sample of the feedback received during a semester-long project gathering data on open textbook adoptions at UT. Here’s what we did: Throughout … Continued

Count This Penny Partners with UT Libraries, Will Perform Nov. 16

Boundless: Artists in the Archives is a newly launched program from the University of Tennessee Libraries. To highlight the unique materials available in UT’s Special Collections and Betsey B. Creekmore Archives, the Libraries will periodically commission a work of art or music inspired by an item or collection in the archives. The Libraries’ first partners in the … Continued

The Harvard Scholar Whose Grammar Book Built the Library

John C. Hodges THE HARVARD SCHOLAR WHOSE GRAMMAR BOOK BUILT THE LIBRARY Back in the 1920s a college professor devised a system for marking essays to help his students identify their grammatical mistakes. Seventy-six years after he first published his scheme in a handbook for English instructors, his text is still an academic and commercial … Continued