RCR Lunch & Learn: Open Access Publishing and Predatory Journals

Date: Wednesday, February 15 Time: 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Location: A004 Blount Hall (BLNT) The Office of Research and Engagement, in partnership with the University of Tennessee Libraries and the Graduate School, is pleased to announce the return of the Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Lunch Series to be held in room A004 of … Continued

Workshops at Pendergrass Library, Spring 2017

Pendergrass Library offers workshops to UT students, faculty, and staff.  To register for a workshop, email credmon1@utk.edu.  Click here for workshops at Hodges Library. Spring 2017 Workshops ORCID: Your Lifelong Digital Signature Feb 7, Tues  3-4 p.m. March 8, Wed  12-1 p.m. Why do you need an ORCID iD? ORCID connects you with all your … Continued

How the Executive Order on Immigration Affects the UT Community

UT Knoxville Chancellor Jimmy Cheek released a statement this morning, reassuring the campus that the university is “committed to protecting the rights and opportunities extended to all members of our academic community . . . we will continue to recruit, retain, and support faculty, staff, and students from around the world.” University staff continue to … Continued

Beall’s List Gone: How to Choose an Open Access Journal

Open access (OA) journals, like subscription journals, run the gamut from reputable and well-regarded to little-known and menial. But, with OA publishers asking authors — or their institutions — to pay article processing charges to make the work open to all readers, the latter group of journals (little-known and sloppy) have been able to make … Continued

Writers in the Library Presents Linda Parsons and Austin Kodra, Jan. 30

Linda Parsons and Austin Kodra will read on Monday, January 30, 2017 on the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, campus as part of the Writers in the Library reading series. The mission of Writers in the Library is to “showcase the work of novelists, poets, and other literary craftsmen.” Some of the best voices on the … Continued