Apply for Funds to Archive and Share Your Data

University of Tennessee, Knoxville, researchers can apply for funds to archive and share their data. The Data Archiving and Sharing Fund assists UT Knoxville researchers in openly archiving and preserving data sets by providing up to $250 toward depositing a data set in the data repository Dryad. The fund is supported in full by the University … Continued

Evolution of Smokey Mascot Through the Years

The costumed human who portrays the Vols’ beloved canine mascot at sports events has undergone many makeovers over the years. Smokey’s earliest human namesakes certainly looked nothing like a Bluetick Coonhound! The canine Smokey himself joined the team in 1953. After some deliberation, the UT Pep Club settled on a hound as the most appropriate … Continued

Library Storage Annex: Facts and Questions

What is the Library Storage Annex (LSA)? The Library Storage Annex is a facility that will provide for the storage of important physical library materials that need to be retained and preserved but that are not used often enough to require storage in Hodges or one of our branch libraries. Many universities host versions of … Continued

Library Storage Annex: From the Dean’s Viewpoint

Dean of Libraries Steve Smith recently shared his hopes and vision for the new Library Storage Annex—a modern climate-controlled facility that will house special collections materials; the University of Tennessee Archives; the Modern Political Archives; important but little-used items from the general collections; and other library materials that require long-term preservation. Smith anticipates that ground … Continued

Art of Joseph Delaney on Exhibit at Hodges Library

The art of Knoxville-born artist Joseph Delaney is the featured display in the Special Collections Reading Room, first floor of Hodges Library. The exhibit includes figure studies from a Delaney sketchbook, photographs of the artist, exhibit catalogs, and published examples of Delaney’s work. Most materials are from the Manuscripts collections held by UT’s Betsey B. … Continued

On Display: The Art of the Editorial Cartoon

Editorial cartoons from the UT Libraries’ special collections are currently on display in Hodges Library. The Art of the Editorial Cartoon spotlights the work of Paige Braddock, Charlie Daniel, and Ed Gamble. Three exhibit cases showcase their hand-drawn, original cartoons. The Betsey B. Creekmore Special Collections and University Archives holds extensive archives of their editorial … Continued