August 2015

Welcome Back! Top 10 Things Pendergrass Can Do for You this Semester

pendergrass welcome

On behalf of Pendergrass Library, welcome back to another new semester! We hope you’ll stop by and see us in our temporary location in Brehm 243 – and check our Frequently Asked Questions for updates on the library’s reopening.

Here are a few things we have to offer you and your students:

1. We take suggestions for our collection.

If there is a book or journal that you think we should have, just email us, and we’ll get access to it. This includes your published work!

2. We provide instruction for your students.

Pendergrass library instruction is available to any group of students in any course. We provide general information on the library and/or specific help in finding sources for papers.

3. We provide academic support for your students.

In our temporary location in Brehm 243, the Writing Center is available Wednesdays from 12-2 p.m. Statistical consultants are available by appointment Mondays and Thursdays from 1-5 p.m. in Brehm 363.

4. We bring our physical collection to you.

Any of the millions of volumes in the UT system can be delivered straight to your department through Library Express! While Pendergrass’ normal location is closed, use Interlibrary Loan to access books from our collection.

5. We provide access to library resources anywhere.

Go to our website to access scholarly content online, including agriculture databases and thousands of e-journals and e-books. Check out the off-campus access guide for more information.

6. We help with citation management programs.

Generate and share bibliographies with a click or cite items within a paper using Endnote or Zotero. Contact us for help with setup or visit the Endnote and Zotero guides

7. We provide multimedia and technology.

Take advantage of our large format printer for conference posters and learn more about our exciting new 3D printer. Borrow equipment like digital cameras, microphones, and GPS.

8. We have librarians who can help with any step of the research process.

Set up a one-on-one appointment with your subject librarian for help with any research or information need. For agriculture and natural resources, contact Peter Fernandez at For veterinary medicine, contact Ann Viera at Questions about data management? Contact data curation librarian Chris Eaker at

9. We help with publishing and disseminating your research.

Want to learn about open access publishing and how UT Libraries can help fund your publication in an open access journal? Have a question about data services or copyright? We can help!

10. Contact us however you like!

Visit us in our temporary location in Brehm Animal Science Room 243 (computer lab):

  • Monday-Thursday 7:30 a.m. – 10 p.m.
  • Friday 7:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.
  • Saturday Closed
  • Sunday 1 p.m. – 10 p.m.

Contact us by phone, email, or live chat:


Get Help Managing your Citations: FREE Endnote Training!

Citation management software is fundamental to productivity at UT. Endnote Desktop and Endnote Online are FREE to UT faculty and staff. Use Endnote to organize your research, generate bibliographies, and collaborate with colleagues.

Endnote is powerful software, and some instruction is helpful to master basic features. If you’re new to Endnote, or want a refresher, register for an “Introduction to Endnote” session. UT Libraries is offering two sessions this fall:

  • Thursday, September 10, 3:30-5 p.m. in Hodges Room 211
  • Wednesday, October 7, 3:30-5 p.m. in Hodges 211

Please email before the session to register.

If you can’t attend the session but still want Endnote help: Email to schedule a group training, find webinars online, or visit the UT Libraries Endnote guide.

For Endnote help on the Ag Campus: Email Peter Fernandez, Pendergrass CASNR librarian, at to request group or one-on-one help.

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