September 2015

Include Librarians on your Research Support Team

Searching for articles? Start early and save time by including librarians on your research support team:

  • High-stakes project?
  • Finding too many articles?  Too few?
  • How do you know you’ve got everything?
  • How to effectively collect, organize, and cite articles and books, etc.?
  • Need statistical support or other support for your project?

Searching with librarians saves time and ensures all the relevant articles, books, etc. have been located for high-stakes projects like research papers, dissertations, grant proposals, etc.

Start early and use librarians’ expertise to assist with:

For graduate students, undergraduate researchers, and faculty we offer additional services, including:

Ready to get started?  Contact your subject librarian at Pendergrass for help at any step of the research process.


What are My Library Accounts?

You can access thousands of library resources anytime, anywhere on To get the most out of these resources, you’ll need to use your library accounts:

1.) Renewals: Use this account to do everything related to books you check out from UT. Renew items to keep them longer. See information on items you have checked out and items you have requested for pickup.

To access your renewals account: From the library homepage, click on “Off-campus users: Sign in” above the search box. Enter your NetID and password. Choose “My Account” in the upper right to view a list of loans, requests, fees, and more.

renewal image 2

2.) Interlibrary Services (ILS): Use this account to request books and articles that UT does not own. We will locate and deliver materials to you from across the country and beyond!

To access your ILS account: Enter your NetID and password on You’ll see a list of items you have requested or checked out from other libraries.

illiad image

To choose your delivery location: Select “Your Account” in the bottom left to choose Pendergrass Library or your department as your delivery location for physical materials.

To request an item from another library: Select “Request a Loan” to ask for a physical book, or “Request an Article” to ask for a scanned article or book chapter. Remember to include important information like the author, title, and page numbers.


Questions about Human Health?  Search MedlinePlus

Do you have a question human health? Search MedlinePlus to find the most reliable, up-to-date health information, anytime, anywhere, for free.

On MedlinePlus you can find information about:

  • Diseases
  • Conditions
  • Wellness issues
  • Symptoms and treatments
  • Drug and herb interactions
  • …and much more

MedlinePlus is the National Institute of Health’s (NIH) website for patients and their families and friends. Produced by the National Library of Medicine (NLM), the world’s largest medical library, it brings you reliable information in language you can understand.

Visit to access MedlinePlus from your computer, tablet, or smartphone. The consumer-friendly site is optimized for mobile devices and also available in Spanish.

Need more help? Librarians can help find health information. Contact Pendergrass Library at or (865) 974-7338 for assistance.


Get Help Managing your Citations with Endnote!

Citation management software is fundamental to productivity at UT. Endnote Desktop and Endnote Online are FREE to UT faculty and staff. Use Endnote to organize your research, generate bibliographies, and collaborate with colleagues.

Endnote is powerful software, and some instruction is helpful to master basic features. If you’re new to Endnote, or want a refresher, register for an “Introduction to Endnote” session. UT Libraries is offering a training session this fall:

  • Wednesday, October 7, 3:30-5 p.m. in Hodges 211

Please email before the session to register.

If you can’t attend the session but still want Endnote help: Email to schedule a group training, find webinars online, or visit the UT Libraries Endnote guide.

For Endnote help on the Ag Campus: Email Peter Fernandez, Pendergrass CASNR librarian, at to request group or one-on-one help.

UT Libraries also supports Zotero, an open source alternative to Endnote.  Questions about Zotero?  Visit the Zotero guide or email

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