June 2016

Are you submitting your research to a trusted journal? Think, Check, Submit!

Publishing your research results is key to advancing your discipline–and your career–but with so many journals in your field, how can you be sure that you’re choosing a reputable, trustworthy journal?

Think: More research is being published worldwide, and new journals are launched each week.  Stories of publisher malpractice and deception are also on the rise.  It can be challenging to find up-to-date guidance when choosing where to publish.  How can you be sure the journal you are considering is the right journal for your research?

Check: Reference this list for your chosen journal to check if it is trusted:

  • Do you or your colleagues know the journal?
  • Can you easily identify and contact the publisher?
  • Is the journal clear about the type of peer review it uses?
  • Are articles indexed in services that you use?
  • Is it clear what fees will be charged?
  • Do you recognize the editorial board?
  • Is the publisher a member of a recognized industry initiative?

Submit: Complete the checklist and submit your article only if you are happy you can answer “yes” to most or all of the questions.  You need to be confident your chosen journal will have a suitable profile among your peers to enhance your reputation and your chance of gaining citations.  Publishing in the right journal for your research will raise your professional profile, and help you progress in your career.

Visit thinkchecksubmit.org for tips to confirm a journal’s credentials and decide if it will help you reach the right audience with your research, and make an impact on your career.


Relax this Summer with Pendergrass Leisure Reading

Now that the stress of the semester is over, enjoy summer break and relax with a good book!  Pendergrass Library is not only a great place to find materials for your research, but also offers books for fun.  Our Leisure Reading collection features a broad range of exciting new books, and any UT student, faculty, or staff member can check them out.

Our genres include fiction (mystery, suspense, romance, fantasy) and non-fiction.  Over 70 titles in our fiction section encompass a wide range of sub-genres and themes from humorous, to quirky, to dramatic, to thought-provoking.  Our nonfiction section includes bestsellers and books of interest about plants and animals.  Visit our Goodreads account for a full list of books.

Many Pendergrass Student Library Assistants are avid readers, and can gladly recommend books based on your personal preferences.  Visit this blog post for book recommendations for summer 2016.


Resources from UT Extension at Pendergrass

UT Extension provides a gateway to the University of Tennessee as the outreach unit of the Institute of Agriculture. With an office in every county, UT Extension delivers educational programs and research-based information to citizens throughout the state of Tennessee. Working with farmers, families, youth, and communities, Extension helps improve people’s lives by addressing problems and issues at the local, state, and national levels.

Pendergrass Libary’s Extension guide will help you find information about UT Extension:

If you work with or are interested in working with Extension, also check out this guide for Extension and AgResearch staff.

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