August 2016

Welcome from Pendergrass Library!

Here are 3 things you should know about your library on the agriculture campus:

  1. We Help with Research and Instruction

Pendergrass offers many resources and services for agriculture, veterinary, Extension, and AgResearch faculty and researchers: tours and instruction for your classes, research and statistical consultations, assistance with publishing and copyright, and much more.

Visit this link to see our “Top 10” services for faculty:

  1. Library Hours for the Semester

During the semester Pendergrass Library is open:

Monday-Thursday 7:30am-midnight
Friday 7:30am-8pm
Saturday 10am-6pm
Sunday 1pm-midnight

For a full list of hours and holiday closures, please visit

  1. We Are Located across from Neyland Express Bus Stops on Joe Johnson Drive

If you’ve never been to Pendergrass, we hope you’ll pay us a visit in the first floor of the Veterinary Medical Center (room A113).

From across Joe Johnson Drive, the library entrance is the third on the right of the building.  Look for a large “Pendergrass Library” sign above the entrance.

Click here for a map and parking information:

Can’t find us?  Call (865) 974-7338 or text (865) 320-9885 for directions.


Visit Pendergrass’ New Website

Pendergrass Library has launched a new website:

Explore the website by scrolling down the main page or using the left-hand navigation menu.  Resources include a library search box, research and publishing help, forms to request course reserves or print a research poster, and information on all the services at Pendergrass Library.

Using our website on a computer?  Watch this video tutorial:

Using our website on a mobile device?  Watch this video tutorial:

Send suggestions for the website to Caroline Zeglen at or complete our suggestion form.  We appreciate your feedback!


New Staff at Pendergrass: Sandy Leach and Arij Barakat

Welcome Sandy Leach: Interim Agriculture Librarian

On July 1, Peter Fernandez assumed a new leadership position within UT Libraries and moved to the Hodges Library. Peter is now the department head for Learning, Research, and Engagement Liaison Programs.

Sandy Leach now serves as interim liaison librarian for three units of the Institute of Agriculture: The College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Extension, and AgResearch.  If you normally contacted Peter for instruction, research, and collections assistance, you can now contact Sandy (

Welcome Arij Barakat: Graduate Assistant and Saturday Supervisor

Arij Barakat is a graduate assistant and Saturday supervisor.  Arij is studying English education and has a semester’s experience working at Pendergrass.  Ask Arij about: finding library materials, instructional support, and research assistance (with special guidance for international students).

Visit our “Meet the Staff” page for contact information and help from all Pendergrass Library faculty and staff: 


Nominate CASNR Undergraduates to be Pendergrass Ambassadors

Pendergrass Library is starting a Pendergrass Ambassadors student group for the 2016-17 academic year.  We are seeking CASNR undergraduates from all departments to serve as Ambassadors.

Ambassadors will attend bimonthly library gatherings (free food included!), learn valuable research skills, and share what they’ve learned with other students on the agriculture campus – all the while earning volunteer service hours.

Do you know an exceptional CASNR undergraduate, teach undergraduate classes, or advise a student organization?  Please encourage your students to sign up to be a Pendergrass Ambassador.

More information about the Pendergrass Ambassadors program is available at  Interested students should email Caroline Zeglen at to sign up.

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