September 2016

BrowZine is Now on the Web!


BrowZine is a tool that makes scholarly journals available in a visual, browsable format. BrowZine allows you to browse, read, organize, and keep up with the latest scientific journals.

With BrowZine you can easily browse hundreds of the Libraries’ subscribed journals by subject or by title. BrowZine allows you to organize your favorite journals on bookshelves so that the current issue is one click or tap away.

To open BrowZine, click the “E-Journals” link below the library’s OneSearch box:

how to access browzine through e-journals link below onesearch

To find a journal by title, do a search in OneSearch, and then click the “E-Journals by Title” link at the top right of the page.  This will redirect you to the old Journals A-Z list organized alphabetically by journal title:

access ejournals by title from within onesearch

For more information, check out our BrowZine guide at


Pendergrass Library Instruction


Are you teaching a class that requires a research paper? Do your students know where to start the research process? Librarians can help!  We offer library instruction on topics including:

  • Search strategies: Brainstorming a topic, narrowing topics, building the search with keywords.
  • OneSearch: Finding books, using call numbers, and accessing e-books.
  • Databases: Demos of introductory databases, e.g., Web of Science, Google Scholar.
  • EndNote or Zotero: Citation management software can help you save, organize, and cite sources.

We can work with you to build classes on customized topics. Library instruction works best when it is connected to an assignment and the learning outcomes of the course.

Request instruction from a Pendergrass librarian at

EndNote Workshop


If you want to learn the basics of the citation management software, EndNote, sign up for the free workshop on Tuesday, October 4 from 3:30-5:00 p.m. in Hodges Library Room 211.   To sign up for the class, email

EndNote is a software program you can use to organize your citations and automatically generate them for your publications.  Zotero is an open source alternative to using EndNote.

Do you have a question about EndNote, or wonder whether EndNote or Zotero is right for you?  Librarians at Pendergrass are here to help!  Contact a librarian and ask for help using EndNote or Zotero.

To download and learn more about citation management software, visit the EndNote Guide and Zotero Guide. EndNote is free to all current UT students, faculty, and staff, and Zotero is free for everyone.


Interest Groups in the Library


Faculty are invited to join the following interest groups at the UT Libraries for data and GIS software and scholarly communication:

Data & GIS Brown Bag Interest Group

If you are interested in GIS software and/or how to manage data you collect, this group is for you!

Thursday, September 29, 2016 @ 12 PM in Hodges Library Room 211

This session will consist of a short presentation about data and GIS services around campus. Then the floor will be open to whatever topics are of interest.

Contact Chris Eaker, the Data Curation Librarian, at if you have any questions.

“Thursty” Thursday Scholarly Publishing Coffee Klatch 

Join the Scholarly Communication & Publishing Librarian in Hodges Library for free coffee and conversations related to academic publishing.

Thursday, October 20, 2016 @ 4 PM in Hodges Library Mary Greer Room | Open Access Journals and Good Publishing Practices

Thursday, November 17, 2016 @ 4 PM in Hodges Library Mary Greer Room | New Publishing Models for Monographs: Open Licensing, Subvention Funds, and More

Contact Rachel Caldwell, the Scholarly Communications Librarian, at if you have any questions.

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