November 2016

Exam & Holiday Hours at Pendergrass

clockDuring final exams, Pendergrass will have extended weekend hours:

  • Friday, December 2: 7:30 a.m. – 8 p.m.
  • Saturday, December 3: 10 a.m. – 8 p.m.
  • Sunday, December 4: 12 p.m. – 12 a.m.

On the last day of finals (Friday, December 9), the Library will be open from 7:30am-6pm.

Over winter break (December 12-January 10), Pendergrass hours will be as follows:

  • Mondays-Fridays: 8 a.m. – 6 p.m.
  • Saturdays and Sundays: Closed

Pendergrass will be closed December 26-30 and January 2.

Visit these links for more information on Pendergrass hours and UT Libraries system hours.


Data Management Plans

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Research data management concerns the organization and management of data, from its entry into the research life-cycle to the dissemination and archiving of valuable results.

Data management is an important part of the research project. Having a data management plan (DMP) is not only good science, but is also required by many federal and private grant funding agencies including all NIFA grants and National Institutes of Health (NIH) awards over $500K.  DMPs are being required by more and more research funders.

Not sure where to start with a research data management plan?  Follow these steps:

  1. Become familiar with the what, why, and how of data management planning with this helpful video tutorial.
  2. Need help managing and maintaining your data for publication?  Contact Chris Eaker, data management librarian at Hodges Library, for assistance with all aspects of data management.  Also check out the data management guide and information on data management in agriculture.


oaDOI: A New & Easy-to-Use Tool

Image result for OadoiIf you’re searching for an open and free copy of an article and want to avoid a paywalled article landing page, oaDOI is a good place to start. An oaDOI link is like a DOI, with a useful difference: if there’s an open access version of the article, the oaDOI URL will send you there. Basically, you put in the DOI of an article (its “digital object identifier,” usually listed in the abstract), and oaDOI searches to see if there’s an open access version of the article freely available.

oaDOI is a quick and easy tool you may want to try, or share with people not at the university!

If you can’t find an open, free copy of an article you need, search for it in OneSearch . UT students, faculty, and staff have access to many subscription journals through the UT Libraries. Watch this video walk-through of OneSearch to familiarize yourself with how to search and take advantage of all the Libraries’ resources.  For further information on OneSearch, check out our Library Search Guide.

Still have questions? Feel free to stop by Pendergrass Library or contact our graduate research assistant, Arij Barakat at to set up a one-on-one appointment on how to use OneSearch.


Advertise your Academic, Government, or Industry Job on PeerJ for Free

PeerJ recently launched a beta version of PeerJ Jobs for anyone to list available research or academic administrative jobs, completely free of cost.  Jobs may be posted in the fields of biology, medicine, life sciences, and computer science.  Job listings will appear for 30 days and can be renewed for free.

If you wish to take advantage of the hundreds of thousands people visiting PeerJ articles and preprints each month, then a paid featured service will display your listing alongside matching articles.

To learn more about PeerJ, see our post in last month’s bulletin for Open Access Week or read about Pendergrass Library’s institutional agreement with PeerJ.

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