January 2017

Pendergrass Course Reserves

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Do you need a book for your class to be available on reserve in the library?

If so, please fill out and complete, our online form. Typically, requests should be submitted at least 2-4 weeks prior to the start of the semester, but if there is a book you need on reserve for your class, please fill out the form and we will work quickly to get it on reserve for your students!


Pop-Up Library in Brehm Animal Science, Thursdays 11:30-1:30

What: Library Office Hours
Where: Brehm Animal Science 1st Floor Foyer
When: Every Thursday, 11:30AM-1:30PM
Why: Help with research and free giveaways!

If you or your students need research help but can’t make it into the library, no problem!

In the spring 2017 semester, Pendergrass Library will be hosting a weekly “Pop-Up Library” in the Brehm Animal Science 1st floor foyer.

Stop by Thursdays from 11:30 a.m. -1:30 p.m. for research help, library giveaways, and featured books from our Leisure Reading collection.  You can even return items you have borrowed!

No appointment needed – just walk-in to our booth for convenient help from the library.


Spring 2017 EndNote Workshops, February & March

If you want to learn the basics of the citation management software, EndNote, sign up for the free workshop on in Hodges Library Room 211.   To sign up for the class, email endnote@utk.edu.  Spring 2017 workshops will be held:

  • Wednesday, February 1, 3:30-5 p.m.
  • Wednesday, February 10, 1:30-3 p.m.
  • Wednesday, March 1, 3:30-5 p.m.

EndNote is a software program you can use to organize citations and automatically generate them for publications.  Zotero is an open source alternative to using EndNote.

Do you have a question about EndNote, or wonder whether EndNote or Zotero is right for you?  Librarians at Pendergrass are here to help!  Contact a librarian and ask for help using EndNote or Zotero.

To download and learn more about citation management software, visit the EndNote Guide and Zotero Guide. EndNote is free to all current UT students, faculty, and staff, and Zotero is free for everyone.


Search for New Agriculture Librarian

The Pendergrass Library is actively searching for a new Agriculture & Natural Resources Librarian (Assistant or Associate Professor).  This librarian will support units within the Institute of Agriculture, including CASNR, UT Extension, and AgResearch.

The successful candidate will cultivate close working relationships that serve the diverse needs of UTIA faculty, students, staff, and researchers, connecting them to library resources and services that support our land-grant mission.

How can you help us fill this important position?  You can help recruit your next librarian by sharing our  job announcement and “about Pendergrass” for applicants pages with potential candidates you may know and within your social and professional networks.  We hope to have the position filled by June 1, 2017.

As the search progresses, Pendergrass Library will be in touch with how else you can participate, including opportunities to meet prospective candidates.

If you have any leads, questions, or comments, please contact David Atkins, UT’s Head of Branch Libraries at david.atkins@utk.edu or 865-974-6866.

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