LibrariesData & Digital ScholarshipDigital Scholarship Services
Digital Scholarship Services
Joshua Ortiz Baco, digital scholarship librarian

Support is available for all Libraries’ patrons interested in methods or tools used in digital scholarship and digital humanities. We provide specialized training, consultation, and instruction on open source or proprietary resources for the university community.

Digital Scholarship support is offered by Joshua Ortiz BacoDigital Scholarship Librarian, and is available to all the University’s colleges, with additional assistance from members of the Data and Digital Scholarship team, and the Office of Information Technology’s Research Computing Support.

Our services strive to connect scholars’ and facilitate collaboration
across the many disciplines working in digital scholarship.

Wondering where to get started with Digital Humanities?

Take a look at the following guides by the Scholars’ Collaborative for more information on tools and approaches currently available:

Feel free to get in touch with Joshua via email for in-person and virtual support and training for:

  • Incorporating DH into the curriculum
  • Wrangling, creating, visualizing, and mapping data
  • Network analysis
  • TEI
  • Static sites, digital exhibitions, and oral history projects
  • Multilingual DS/DH