Award Winners -2013

May 14, 2013


Theme: 20th Annual Spirit Awards – “The Oscars”



Heroic Colleague
Megan Venable Smith

Extra Credit
Sandra Allen

Rookie of the Year
Laura Ousley

Library Friends Service Endowment
Jennifer Benedetto Beals

Miles 500
Alesha Shumar

Graduate Assistant Award of Excellence
Caroline Redmond

Student Library Assistant Awards of Excellence
Jared Langel
Sarah Nelson
Maria Tucci
Joy West

Dean’s Awards
Bryan Davis
Steve Thomas

Teamwork Award

Ag Vet Med Library
Bobbi Doyle-Maher
Doug Engle
Richie Sexton
Samantha Ward

Commons Rennovation
Michelle Brannen
Michael Dodson
Joe Ferguson
Cathy Jenkins
Steven Milewski
Steve Pursiful
Rita Smith
Will Veale
Teresa Walker
Terrel Whitaker
Greg Womac
Jennifer Randles